Chapter 88 Years Ago

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Suddenly, the county officials came as promised, but they said they were escorting the body, but in fact they didn't do anything. They didn't even take the board to carry the body, they just watched.

Liu Fa had no choice but to spend more money and hurriedly hired someone to carry the body away.

It was a long way from Liuxi Village to the county seat, and the carriage drivers thought it was bad luck and refused to do the job. Liu Fa had to spend several times more silver to finally find a carriage in the town that was willing to take the job.

After all this tossing, the government officials were hungry again and wanted to eat. Liu Fa's wife, despite her headache, wrapped herself in a headscarf and cooked a table of food for them in the outhouse with two helping neighbors.

Liu Yongfu and his family are still living in his house. As long as they are energetic, they will either cry or howl when they open their eyes.

Seeing that the government officials had eaten, the three members of their family did not cry or make trouble. They took their rice bowls and sat down to eat. Even the government officials did not give them good looks.

This matter should have been their concern as parents. Liu Fa sent them to the county town last time, and the land was sold by them and the money was taken away. Even if they had the kindness to take them in, no matter who is going to judge this reason. , the Liu Fa family is now worthy of this relative.

But when these people encountered important events, they immediately became confused. They used to be very upright in not listening to advice, and they looked to Liu Fa to wipe their butts every day.

Liu Fa had no choice but to leave it alone.

The rumors in the village are bad enough now, but their family will still have to live in the village from now on.

Liu Xiang's body was finally transported away, and their family could barely breathe a sigh of relief.

Another day passed, when Qingyan went out in the morning, she heard a lot of noise coming from the direction of Liu Fa's house.

Aunt Li glanced over there, sighed, and said, "Liu Fa has found someone to do the magic trick, saying he wants to go to get rid of bad luck."

This "great master" has brought this matter to an end, but the troubles of the old Liu family are not over yet.

Then Liu Yongfu and Zhang Ju refused to go back to the county town or live in the old house in the village, so they stayed at Liu Fa's house every day, eating and sleeping with their eyes open, and never left.

Within two days, Qi Yinglan returned to her parents' home with the child in her arms.

The work in the tofu shop still had to be done, and Liu Fa's wife had no choice but to swallow the bitter water in her stomach and endure it at home.

Others can't help me with this matter, they can only give me some advice.

Liu Fa's family was always hospitable, but now that there is such a family living in the house, the neighbors no longer like to visit, and the mood is even more difficult to relieve, and it is very uncomfortable.

Qiu Henian asked Qingyan not to go to Lao Liu's house by himself. Every time he went to deliver something or something, he had to wait for him.

When I arrived, I sat down for a while, talked, put down my things and came back.

I haven't been there a few times. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is here, everyone is busy.

Two years ago, Qiu Henian and Qingyan both went to the mountains to stay for a few days and hunt, but they couldn't go this year.

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