Chapter 94 Huani

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Liu Yongfu and Zhang Ju just pushed their son away.

When Liu Fa learned the news, it was three or four days later. The landlord of the house he rented from told him that his family had left the house and the house was vacant.

Liu Fa had no way of knowing the reason why the family of three suddenly left, and he had no intention of finding out. He went to the county to settle the account with the landlord. The man was generous and didn't care about the lease being expired. He also returned the extra money to recover a little loss.

About ten days after this, news came from the county government, saying that after an autopsy, Liu Xiang had indeed died in childbirth, and his family members were asked to come to the government office to pick up the body for burial.

The family ran away, so Liu Fa had no choice but to pull Liu Xiang's body back and bury it on a hilltop.

That night, he tossed and turned all night long without falling asleep. Before dawn, he got up and went to the crossroads to burn a pile of paper money before returning home and lying down again.

The next day we found a great dancer to drive away the evil spirits.

Since then, Lao Liu's family has never kept silent about this matter.


The ice and snow melt in March, and spring begins in the north.

Xiangyunfang hired a helper named Huani, who was introduced by Feng Laosan.

Hua Ni and her husband worked as bodyguards for caravans away from home all the year round. He would only come back once every ten days or several months at most. However, after a long journey, he would also spend a long time resting at home.

Because she was often at home alone and too lonely, Hua Ni wanted to do something to make a living, which could not only make money but also relieve her boredom.

Qingyan saw that she was good-looking, well-spoken and well-informed, so he made a written agreement with her and hired her to help look after the store.

In this way, Aunt Li can spend more time thinking about new gadgets, and Qingyan can also go out for a walk to look at the goods. She can also go to similar shops in the county to see what her peers are selling.

If something happens to Qiu's mother-in-law, she can go back and take care of her.

After the New Year, Sanyao had already quit his job as a wealthy man in the county.

Before the ground thawed, he walked around the village and rented dozens of acres of land.

Qiu Henian and Qingyan are both busy now, and the land at home is difficult to manage. Sanyao offered to help them manage it together. The extra thirty acres was nothing anyway, so he let his second brother and sister-in-law decide what to plant. Just come down and he will take care of everything from planting to harvesting.

Of course, his second brother and second sister-in-law would not let his help go in vain. They agreed to give half of whatever they received to his family. Sanyao and Qiuniang refused to take it, but Qing Yan persuaded them hard and reluctantly agreed to take one third.

Huani people are smart, sweet-tongued and quick at work.

Qiuniang took her with her for two or three days, and she got used to it. She had never sold anything before, so she found it new and interesting, and all the guests rushed to greet them.

This morning, not long after Xiangyunfang opened its doors, customers came to the door.

Hua Ni saw at a glance that the man was wearing silk clothes, holding a fan in his hand, and had a boy with him, so she knew that he was a young man from a wealthy family.

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