Chapter 16: Lerkers' Mart

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The grocery store, a beacon of potential sustenance in the desolate city, stood before our group. The once inviting automatic sliding doors now lay frozen, their mechanisms succumbing to the passage of time.

As we cautiously entered, the interior revealed a scene frozen in the chaos of the outbreak. Shelves stood as silent witnesses, their contents depleted by desperate scavengers seeking a lifeline amidst the apocalypse.

Sally, scanning the barren aisles, couldn't help but comment, "Looks like the ultimate showdown already happened here. Shoppers versus the apocalypse, and I guess the apocalypse won."

I chuckled, glancing at the empty shelves. "Well, at least it's a clear aisle for us."

Blair, with a keen eye for potential resources, suggested, "Let's split up and check the place. We need food, water, and anything else that might come in handy."

Hela, ever perceptive, nodded in agreement. "Stay in pairs. We don't know what might be lingering in the shadows. I'll keep a lookout."

Hyuni, gripping her dagger with determination, looked at me. "Harry, you're with me. We'll check the canned goods section."

"I um.. suree i guess" i let out a worrying affirmation after glancing at Sally just incase she gets jealous.

As we navigated the quiet aisles, the stillness of the grocery store was both eerie and comforting. The occasional shuffle of our footsteps echoed, creating a subdued symphony in the abandoned space.

Hyuni, peering into the empty shelves, sighed. "I was hoping for some instant noodles or something. Anything that doesn't require cooking."

I nodded, my eyes scanning for any overlooked treasures. "Let's check the storeroom. Maybe there's something left."

Sally, exploring another section with Blair, called out, "Hey, Blair, how about we raid the candy aisle? The world might be ending, but who says we can't enjoy some sweets?"

Blair, a hint of a smile on his face, replied, "Sounds like a plan. At least we'll have a sugar rush to fight off the lerkers."

As we gathered our findings and regrouped near the exit, a sense of accomplishment mingled with the acknowledgment that survival required adapting to a new kind of normal.

Blair, holding a bag of assorted candies, grinned. "Who knew the apocalypse would come with a candy stash? Sweet tooth, anyone?"

We shared a moment of laughter, a brief respite in the face of an uncertain future. The grocery store, once a battleground, now held the promise of sustaining us for the challenges that lay ahead.

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