Chapter 18: Humanity

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The desolate cityscape unfolded before us as the sedan navigated through abandoned streets. An eerie silence clung to the air, broken only by the occasional creaking of the car and distant echoes of unknown terrors.

Our journey took an unexpected turn when we stumbled upon a grim scene – lifeless bodies scattered along the road. Military uniforms adorned some, while others wore civilian attire. They all shared a common trait – death had claimed them before the virus could.

Hela's eyes narrowed as she observed the surroundings. "They were shot. Military officers and civilians alike. This happened recently."

Blair, gripping the steering wheel, voiced the unsettling truth. "Someone had to make a hard choice. They prevented those people from turning into lerkers."

The fallen military officers, their weapons still clutched in stiff hands, offered a macabre promise of survival. Sally, her eyes scanning the scene, couldn't help but comment, "Well, looks like the cavalry arrived, but not in the way we hoped."

Examining the military-issue firearms, Hyuni hesitated before suggesting, "Maybe we should take some of these weapons. It's better than being defenseless."

Blair, contemplating the decision, finally nodded. "We might need them more than they do now."

We gathered the salvaged weapons – a mix of pistols and rifles – securing them in the car. The road ahead seemed fraught with uncertainties, and these weapons became our insurance against the impending dangers.

The revelation hung in the air, an unsettling truth that cast shadows over our grim discovery. The civilians, along with some military personnel, bore bullet wounds in their backs, a morbid puzzle that deepened the mystery surrounding their deaths.

Hela, her expression grave, voiced the growing concerns. "Why were they shot from behind? It doesn't make sense for the military to turn on their own people."

Blair, staring at the lifeless figures, pondered the implications. "This goes beyond survival. There's something more sinister at play."

As we examined the scene, questions lingered, dancing on the precipice of our understanding. Sally, her brows furrowed, voiced the shared uncertainty. "Did someone betray them? Are we dealing with a different kind of threat?"

Hyuni, gripping the recovered weapons, looked around with newfound wariness. "It's hard to trust anyone in a world like this. Even those who are supposed to protect us."

After the questionable discovery, we all decided it was best to quickly hop on to the sedan and drive off. We do not want to find the answers to the questions we had by being in the middle of it all.

The sedan continued its journey through the haunting aftermath, each passing moment amplifying the sense of dread. The road, stained with the remnants of both military and civilian lives, carried secrets that eluded our grasp.

Blair, his eyes scanning the horizon, broke the uneasy silence. "We need to be cautious. Whatever happened here might not be an isolated incident."

As the city's echoes whispered tales of betrayal and obscured motives, our group pressed on, the shadows of uncertainty trailing our every step. The path ahead remained shrouded, concealing the answers that could unravel the enigma that had become our reality. The recent events added weight to our journey, a reminder that even in the aftermath of an apocalypse, humanity wrestled with choices that blurred the lines between morality and survival.

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