Chapter 1: Changes

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I groaned and stretched till my limbs can't stretch further.
"Alright! alright.. i'll get up!" I frowned and answered my mother as she slams the door open and let the warm air of the living room rush in.
As a loving and caring mother that she is, she would know exactly how to wake me up because i extremely loathe the replacement of cold air to warm air when i sleep. I could literally wake up if the door swings ajar just a little bit due to the strong winds outside.
As I lift my two heavy legs and rest them on the cold floor, a huge grin took over my face. Overwhelming amount of cold starts to run up my feet, above and towards my body which brightens up my mood so much. I grab onto my blue, soft, towel and walk towards the shower and as i get in it, i was greeted with an immensely satisfying feel, hot water. Now this, this is my favourite morning routine ever. The perfect transition of cold to warm will always, no doubt, gives me satisfaction. No, it wasn't a mistake there. I genuinely hate the uncalled changes in temperature WHEN I SLEEP. But when i get up, i would love me an EXPECTED TRANSITION of temperature. I know, weird right? But what can i say, i'm just unique.

As i enjoy the blissful, warm, morning shower, i was rudely interupted by again, change in temperature. But this time, its awful. This time, it caused me to jump out of the shower and fall to the ground, again intrupted by the sudden change in temperature which is from the cold ground.
Somehow, my water heater apparently stopped working.
"Bullshit!" I claimed as i wrapped myself with my towel.
"Ma, the heater is broken!" I shouted across rooms to get my message out.
"Oh well, get used to it Harry! I won't be able to get someone to check on it till your dad receives his salary!"
"Thats like what? 1? Or 2? No 3, 3 weeks away!"
"Like i said, get used to it!"
"Well i guess, i will have to adapt to it then." I said to myself, letting out a dreaded sigh.
Being late for me is as if its part of my daily routine. I seem to always be late these days. Therefore, i decided to try and be punctual today by packing my stuff and preparing my clothes the day before. I took my allowance and realised it was short of a few cents but i couldn't risk negotiating with my mother as i don't really wanna be late, remembering the promise i made to myself a day ago.

Today is a monday. Unlike other people, i like mondays and i am mostly at my best moods on mondays. I don't know why, but i guess the spirit of starting a new week gives me joy all over again.
As i stepped my foot on the ground the school that we call parade square, which is mainly used for assembly, if not a training ground for the Netballers, i realise that there isn't a lot of people that is sitting on the assembly ground. That put a huge smile on my face as it certainly means that i am first ever time being early. I walk down the parade square towards my class row, with my chins up thinking that i'm the shit, just because i am finally early. Never had this overwhelming sensation of pride and royalty, ever, rushed through my veins and took over me like this before.
As i arrive at my class row, i happily sit myself down while my teacher, Ms Hannah, looks at me and proceedes to take a quick glance at her incredibly shiny Rolex watch, then looks at me again.
"What?" I claim, while raising my eyebrows.
"Nothing. Hey uh did something happen last night or something, that, i don't know, maybe changed you? I mean it in a good way, don't get me wrong but i am deeply inquisitive whether i am seeing the actual you here or am i simply just dreaming?" Ms Hannah replied with a very curious look on her face.
" It's me Ms Hannah, it's me. Wanna try to pinch yourself to see if you're dreaming?" I lay down a joke, in response to her confusion.
She chuckles and continues marking the class' attendance. It's good to finally be amongst those who aren't screamed at every morning for being late.

Do you ever look at someone you love or adore and suddenly everything seems like it's in slow motion? Well that happened as soon as my girlfriend, Sally, shows up. God how thankful i am to have such a beautiful, elegant, well dressed and adorable girlfriend.
"Good morning Babe" she says as she sits down beside me.
"Morning, beautiful" I replied.
A guy beside me, whom i've never spoken to before that belongs to the other class, looks at us weirdly and cringes. I swear i've never seen so much wrinkles on someone's face. Well this just encourages me to further cringe him because it's rare to mess around with someone who has that type of face, like come on, when can i ever have this chance again?
"So babygirl hows your trip here honeybambam?" i ask Sally while giving a funny, brows twitching look and winks at her.
You know you have found your soulmate when your partner knows exactly how and when to join in a joke.
"Nothing much babyboy, how bout chu my macho man?" She replies with the same face but she adds a little sprinkle of kissy emoji type of face.
We both end up laughing our asses off as soon as that wrinkled-cringed-face guy stands up and simply proceed to the back while shaking his head in disapproval .
Our laughter was interupted by the school's morning song through the PA system, Avengers: Age of Ultron's soundtrack. Funny story, that song was chosen as our school's morning song because "Avengers, Assemble!" Like, i know it may be cool or funny for the school's Principal, Mr Kok. But to us, it's literally the worst. I mean, the name 'Mr Kok' has a funnier ring to it than that old Avengers song.
"Here goes another day of the week," i said while smiling at Sally.
She only replies with a faint smile but somehow, i am not even worried that she is reacting to it that way.
Since the day i fell in love with her, she never really spoke much. Regardless of what someone would say to her, she will only smile and that will minimise all hate someone would've had for her. I guess her deep dimples and beautiful hazel eyes are blessed with essence of forgiveness or loving or something that whenever someone just looks at her, all grudges would be dropped.
We stand up in an orderly manner and face the nation's flag to proceed with the flag raising ceremony. Most of us really had no shits to be given for this part of the day but well, theres always a person who is overly enthusiastic and excited about everything. The kind of person who would say "wow" and claps their hands as if they are watching a brilliant performance when in reality, someone has literally just fell down the staircase and hurt themselves severely.
Meet Hyuni, a transfer student from Korea whom doesn't even speak that much English but decided to memorise our National Anthem as if it's her own. I mean, i really have no issues with that, in fact, i respect that. People whom are from this country don't even care to sing our own National Anthem. Well maybe when we were in Kindergarten or maybe even Primary school. My point is, she is more local than the locals here at this time of age. On the bright side, she is a really sweet young lady who deserves better than just being bullied or criticised.
As she sings the National Anthem very loudly and very proudly, everyone turn their heads to face her as if she is making a big mistake. Something happens after that which warms my heart and i bet many others. Everyone, teachers, students, everyone, decides to join in with her one by one. That's just, overwhelming. Of course, i don't wanna be one with the odds so i decide to join in too. To start of a day in a way we did, really could bring joy to many people's moods towards their Mondays. Everyone just sits down with huge smiles and tiny chatters which seems to be pleasing ones.
We all proceed to our respective classes after the announcements has been made. For Today, our first lesson is English. I can't explain how much love i have for English. It is just a subject i will not mind sitting for even if its the only subject i can learn for eternity.
Apparently, the way back to our class seems rather, long distanced. Maybe because i am exhausted or my bag is just too heavy. But that obviously will not stop me from going to my favourite class.

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