Chapter 7: Oblivion

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"Wake up guys, wake up!" Hyuni shouted in distress while pushing and tugging my body.

"Wh-what? What's going on?" I asked while stretching and yawning, trying to get a clue on what was happening.

"They are gone.. how could they just leave us like that?" Hyuni replies with a question that seems to put her on distress.

"What do you mean they are gone?" I questioned while tapping Sally to wake up, realising that Blair and Hela are really gone.

I stood up and walk towards the monitors to check if they are anywhere around the mall, but my attention moved directly onto a post it, pasted on one of the monitors.

"Hello Kitties and Snoopy? Really? Psh.. oh wait..." i stated the first thing i saw, then, i realised the post it was from Hela. And i should'nt have made it a joke.

"Sorry guys, we have to go. Blair didn't trust any of you. Forgive us. Dash, Hela." I read the handwritten note from Hela out loud.

"Guess we are on our own no... " My sentence was rudely interupted by a huge rumble. "Grrrrrooo"

"What was that?" I exclaimed.

Both Hyuni and Sally shrugs until the sound emerged again. This time, louder.


"Hehe ah.. nevermind. It was just my starving belly. " I said as soon as i realised the sound was actually my hunger. Both of the awesome people in the audience chuckled at the award winning performance by my stomach.

"Speaking of, we should really plan on where to go to get food. We have not had a single bite since yesterday. " i continued.

"Erm how about the minimart in the basement?" Sally suggested.

"Good idea, hold on let me check if theres any lerkers around there or on our path there." I complimented and checked the monitors.

I ripped the legendary post it and paste it on the table because it was blocking the full view of the monitors. All of the monitors seems really empty. That's really strange. Hours ago theres uncountable amount of lerkers all over the mall, even outside the door of this room. But now theres hardly even one. Well, 'hardly' because theres a full leg laying on the floor, outside Victoria's Secret outlet. We are definetely not going to go through that place.

"Alright.. everything seems odly clear. Hey um Hyuni, do you know how to use your dagger that Hela gave you yesterday?" I asked Hyuni then continued with "if not could you somehow borrow me? I've had some practice with a toothbrush in my shower before all of this went to shit."

"Yea sure." Hyuni answers while throwing the dagger to me with no questions asked.

"Well Hyuni first of all you do not throw a dagger or any sort of weapons to someone without intending to hurt them. Wait. You dont mean to hurt me do you?" I said and questioned.

"Ofcourse not Harry! I would never hurt anyone, or anything. I am new to all this. I am sorry. " Hyuni replies with a defensive tone.

"Well, nowadays, you actually have no choice but to hurt things and maybe sometimes someone so please tell me whenever you need to learn a few tricks. I got you covered." I said, adding salt into the wound and she does not seemed pleased.

I walked towards the door and opening it slightly to take a peek. It seemed very quiet but my heart starts to pound very fast and i have a gut feeling that something was about to go wrong. But that didn't stop me. It's either i take the risk and die trying or die slowly out of starvation.

"Alright let's go. " I said while walking towards a coathanger that had a big bag hanging from it.

I flipped the bag over and dumped everything from inside and noticed a flashlight, rolling down from the bag. I grabbed it and checked if it was still functional. I can conclude that the flashlight is officially out of battery as even after slight knocks on the table, it does not turn on. I put it in the bag anyways because we might find a few batteries along the way, then this thing might finally be handy.

Sally whipped out the leg of the chair from our school to once again make it a weapon.

"Okay? Ready?" I asked in a position to open the door slowly.

The answers i got was just light nods which clearly shows that they are not ready but we really have to make this work so i proceeded to leave the security room anyways. I checked through the small rectangle window on the door that leads to the shops to see if theres anything outside and it doesn't seem like it so i pushed the door gently while tiptoeing through.

The minimart was to our right, thank god for that because as looked towards my left, theres a few lerkers staring at a pillar as if the pillar is about to do a backflip. We walk slowly and silently to avoid creating noises. Though the minimart was only a minute walk away, it seemed like it was a ten minutes walk.

The journey to the minimart was awful, aided by smells i can't even describe, blood and guts being smuttered all over the place, and voices of grunts and grawls vibrating through the molecules of the air.

When we finally stepped foot on the entrance of the minimart, i noticed that this place does not even seemed so bad. I'd expect shelves being knocked over, food scattered throughout the whole aisle, but this was actually pretty neat. The minimart was lit by a few red and green emergency lights that only turns on when the main power is being cut off, while the whole basement of the mall was faintly lit by white lights that also seemed to be emergency lights. Thus, making it harder for us to see and move around without feeling, threatened or paranoid.

"Okay, get what you need as fast as you can and let's just get this over with. Really have a bad feeling about this place so take care guys. " i whispered while feeling worried of this whole situation.

"You mean you gonna go without us? Please don't" Hyuni said while clinging herself to my left arm.

I swear Hyuni is 16 years old but acts like a 6 year old.

"It will be okay Hyuni. I am gonna go look around for survival stuff. You and Sally will go and find things we need and food. If one of you get's into trouble. Just shout and i'll come as fast as i can." I reassured both Sally and Hyuni while giving a hint by smiling to Sally to look after Hyuni.

I then walked cautiously with my attentiveness at its highest point, towards aisle 8, Camping Equipments. I swerved my head swiftly from left to right to check on the aisles for any lerkers, but thank god they weren't any. Or so i thought.

I grabbed a backpack and start to loot everything that seemed like a necessity. To be honest, i am just grabbing whatever is on the shelf. My mind is filled with all of the filth and terrors of the previous 24 hours. After a good five minutes, something startled the shit out of me.

"Ahhhhhhh no no back off!" A familiar and distinct screams coming from a few aisles away. I quickly zipped up my bagpack and throw it over my shoulder, on my back and sprinted towards the scream.

My heart pounded like my chest was about to burst and all i could think about, while running towards them, is for them to be alright.

I looked through every aisles while sprinting past them and when i finally saw Sally standing in one of them, panicking, i pulled the handbrake of my body and even fell while trying to turn towards them. I got back on my feet i continued my sprint towards Hyuni who was on the ground struggling to hold a lerker above her, whom was clenching its jaw, trying to chew off her face. At this moment, i saw a very tempting opportunity to do something. Something i've been trying to do for a long ass time.

I build my speed and aim towards the lerker and launched myself, leg first towards it. Well, i didn't think this through. By doing my "heroic" kick, i kicked the lerker off from Hyuni, and landed my head on Hyuni's stomach.

"Omaigod i'm so sorry!" I turned straight after i realised my head was not on a pillow but instead Hyuni's stomach.

She was definetely in pain but she showed a thumbs up with her cheeks full of air. I helped her up slowly while repeating my sorry again and again.

After getting her up on her feet, i turned to see where that lerker might be but was startled when i noticed that the lerker i kicked, was an elderly lady with no teeth. To be honest, i felt really bad but then again, if i didn't kick her off, she might've chewed Hyuni's face off. BUT then again, with what teeth?

Since she was laying on the ground struggling to get up, i gestured Hyuni and Sally to go, realising that the screams and sounds that was produced during this, weird encounter, might've called upon other lerkers who could be on their way right now.

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