Chapter 19 - Joseph's comforting

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>>> >>> Warning : Suicide, Emotional Distress <<< <<<

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>>> >>> Warning : Suicide, Emotional Distress <<< <<<

The time of this night howls as It has been a month of the time since Joseph seen Sam now. He is now beginning to think something is really wrong. Joseph wakes up from his bed, still thinking of what that feeling was that time alone. He couldn't think straight anymore. Joseph checks his calendar and it was July 24th, 2016. Joseph goes over to the table where he sits down and removes the sheets that covered his desk.

 When it was uncovered, the desk revealed to have a giant planning board like design. With yarns connected to each important papers, and paper pins too. Joseph was investigating about this mysterious blue orb incident and he wants to connect all the pieces. Joseph still tries to connect all of the answers so that he can find out the things that is haunting him for months. Joseph yawns with tardiness and closes the sheet that's covering the desk again in frustration because he feels lazy.  Joseph then goes to bed as the night bothers his awakening and slowly wraps himself with a blanket and hugging the pillow that's right beside him.

 He slowly closes his eyes, just trying to imagine the pillow he's hugging is Sam the whole time. Being in a dream, Joseph looks around in this bright room like, lying down with his friend Sam just right beside him. Joseph was flustered when he saw his friend in bed beside, constantly hugging like warm pillows. But then, a blue aura shines on their surroundings. Following by a mysterious figure that was standing on the edge of the void. Joseph lets go of Sam and looks to his back, seeing that mysterious figure again. He felt fear when he saw the figure yet again. Joseph questions the figure about his existence with anger. " Who Are You ?! Why Are You Doing This ?! Leave Me And My Friend... ALONE ?! "

The Mysterious Figure remains on his spot, not moving a single inch. Suddenly, Joseph felt shivers and cold. Then it turned darken with loneliness takes in, with Joseph curling up like a ball from the extreme cold. It was too much for him. the pain inside him, The patience slowly dropping, with the opportunistic disappearing. Joseph opens his eyes, and to his horror he sees Sam sitting on a bed with blood dripping out of his eyes. His heart starts to beat faster and his fear kicks in. He must do something, why was he hurt. Joseph can't stop thinking. Then, all of a sudden, darkness filled the void. Everything that was taught was gone, no dreams ever occurred. Joseph was asleep on his bed as the night in Winchester Hike runs along, and the mysterious figure overlooks at him on top of a neighbor's house.


Birds Chirping along as the light slowly rises on Winchester Hike. Joseph opens his eyes when he was met with a direct sunlight directly on his face. Joseph stands up out of his bed and walking to his window to close the blinds. Yawning from feeling tired about everything, Joseph tried to contemplate what happened last night. So he then again goes to his desk and removes the sheet that covers it. To make sure he doesn't forget what happened, Joseph records himself writing the details that happened from the past time. grabbing an intermediate pad paper, Joseph writes down what happened last night.

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