Teachings of The One: Charters

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All citizens are to be referred to by their batch number for all public and Facility related business.

All citizens must have their batch number visible.

All citizens shall be placed in hibernation following their True Birth. During this time, they will be programmed with the base knowledge and skills required for their purpose within society.

The Day of Awakening for each citizen is on the first day of their thirtieth year.

All citizen's Purpose is determined by the Facility. All citizens are provided with Purpose and deviation is forbidden.

All citizens are created with unique genetic combinations. Cloning is an abomination and will be dealt with by the Facility.

On The Day of Awakening, all citizens will undergo medically induced sterilisation until such a time as they are required or accepted for a role as a Reproducer.

It is forbidden to reverse medical sterilisation outside of the Facility.

No citizens are to participate in sexual intercourse for reproduction or pleasure.*

All bonded partnerships must be Facility approved and are for companionship purposes.

Bonded partnership applications require a minimum of thirty years service for all occupations, including female Reproducers, of which the minimum is twenty years service.

Disregard for any of the Charters, or failure to report those occurrences is punishable by death.

* Unless bonded legally by Facility authorisation

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