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The old man wandered the marketplace unnoticed, at least, by all who busied themselves with the day's tasks. He was an interesting character, stealing enough to feed a small community, and all under the noses of his victims. His hair fell course and long over his shoulders and his head was shadowed by his hood, leaving only darkness for eyes. I watched him from under the statue of The One's Eye. I hadn't dared to steal food, especially after the incident in the alleyway. This man was an opportunity, and I could not neglect it. He had entered the Agora from the south-west for the past few days. From the ocean. I remembered my glimpse of the sea. The huge mass of deep blue, breaking in white, as the waves pulsed against the walls of land that formed the coast. The air was fresh and tasted salty, sweet. I directed my focus back to the old man. If I could position myself on the western side of the market, I could take some of what he had. One man should have no need for such a plethora of food. I wondered what his purpose was. What profession had the government assigned him that he should deviate in such a manner? Unless he was a defect? They usually didn't bother with the older ones. That would explain why the other citizens hadn't bothered to identify him for the mercenaries to correct.

The side street that I positioned myself in, was littered with waste. Rats ran openly from scrap heap to scrap heap, unfazed by my presence. I was far enough from the market entrance that only the rats could see me. Peering around the corner, I could see the man exit the Agora, slowly waddling toward my hiding place. I readied myself to walk past and bump into him. Knocking him over would be easy, and I would be able to take some of the food he had concealed while I helped him to his feet. I straightened and walked briskly toward him. I kept my head down and slammed into him hard. But he did not fall over, I did, hitting my head on the ground. 

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