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Life in the settlement was easy to fall into. The routines kept everyone busy, including myself. I was encouraged to try every position in the settlement, so that I could experience it all before The Choosing. Owen explained that once each member of the settlement reached adulthood at twenty-two, they would spend the year rotating through positions and then at the beginning of their twenty-third year, would choose what they enjoyed the most.

I enjoyed working with the animals during the day. But in the evenings before night meal, I enjoyed sparring with the others my age. They had made a makeshift pit, where everyone drew various lengths of straw to see who you would be partnered with. Owen usually made appearances here, even though I suspected he was at least five years older than the oldest youth.

When I was lucky enough to draw straw with him, I used my agility to ensure that he never got hold. I knew from our first encounter that I would not stand a chance against his weight and strength, so, I ran around him. He would always tire and then make a mistake. Then I would be victorious. I won against him more times than not. But, he would always smile, defeated or not.

When I was called once again to the Elders, I knew they did not trust me, when they presented me with what they called, "An opportunity to solidify my place within the settlement." They had chosen me to go with a small group to rescue members of the settlement who had been captured by mercenaries on their return from completing health care work in Litore. I needed their trust, so I enthusiastically agreed. I also didn't mind the idea of getting away from the settlement for a while, even if Owen was still my babysitter. He was beginning to grow on me.

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