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The Minister was proud of my progress. I had spent weeks after my birth training and completing social and combat scenarios. I knew how many failures had come before me and I resolved that I would not be added to that list. I would be the success. I was prepared for this, and my team had been debriefed as well. We had no experience together in the field, but my second in command, Y8724 had passed all the simulations by my side.

With the recent attack on the rebels, someone needed to go in and assess the damage and success of my predecessor. The Minister had said she was flawed and did not completely trust the validity of her information, nor the success of our aerial attack. We would eliminate anyone left behind and rid the Minister of his enemy, but first, we needed to ensure the repossession of the Facility's property, my predecessor, X856.

There had been reports of movement spotted from the air from the point that X856 had labelled the hub of the resistance, suggesting failure or betrayal on her part. I would bring her to justice if I discovered either.

My team and I travelled on foot to reach the coordinates provided by X856, the location of the resistance. We were enough in number to be noticed by all as we moved out of Langulum.

As we approached, I debriefed the group on our purpose; to destroy what was left and acquire X856 dead or alive. We fanned out slightly to cover more ground. The charred remains of forestry lay all around, some still smoking from the recent attack. Movement from the left, alerted the group and they moved forward in unison. It was a child.

I could see the terror in her eyes, as she gazed pleadingly at me. Tears welled, running down her dirt-stained cheek. At a glance she would be no more than six years. Still. That was not old enough.

I turned to Y8724, "Scout the area. I wanna know if there are more of them."

He replied affirmatively before leaving the group.

"Please. Please let me go," the small girl cried between sobs, "I want to go home."

She was bigger than I anticipated one would be. Her hair was silver and bronze, flowing and falling in tight rings that framed her face. She wore clothes ripped at the knee and stained from... whatever they do.

Y8724 returned panting, "We have searched the immediate area. She is alone. Shall we return her home?"

I paused for a moment, considering the girls pleading eyes. I nodded approval. Taking hold of her small hand, Y8724 began north. I turned to watch them, "Wait. Wait just a minute. There is something I forgot."

I stepped closer to the girl, who began to sob uncontrollably again.

"There is no need to cry little one," I cooed, wiping the tears from her cheek, "Just tell me, where is your home? Has it been destroyed?"

Between sobs she replied, "No... it's... north... in... the mountains."

"There, there. We will return you."

Through a small smile the girl chirped a thank you. I held her small, delicate face in my hands... like porcelain cracking, her lifeless body fell to the ground, her head tilted unnaturally towards the sky.

"Now Y8724, we can return her.

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