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Upon our arrival at the settlement, everyone was welcoming. I received smiles and pats on the shoulder. They treated us all like we were heroes. Art embraced me affectionately in his giant arms.

"We did it little Nora. Whilst you kept those mercenaries busy, we had the time to raid enough medical supplies to last the settlement an entire six moon!" I smiled in reply. The positive attention was nice, but I still preferred to be invisible.

Once the celebrations had dulled into groups of conversation, I snuck away to the grove. I missed the quiet and peace that I felt tending to the goats. Lilian was nowhere to be seen, perhaps still enjoying the festive mood in the main cavern.

I sat in the cool and watched the kids grazing with their mothers. I knew that Owen had followed me. For the first time, I could hear him.

"You know, you are going to have to stop trying to sneak up on me Owen."

"I was wondering how long it would take you to start noticing my approaches," he smirked as he offered me a hand to rise.

I took it, standing close. He took my face in his hands and enveloped me in a kiss that all but forced me to lean into him. He pulled away gently and beckoned me to follow him to the cavern with the pools. As always, they were shimmering and crystal clear.

Owen began to undress.

"Wait. What are you doing?"

"I thought we could go for a swim. Besides, you are going to want to wash off all that travel and remember, tomorrow the celebrations continue."

Apprehensively, I agreed, striping down to my undershirt.

The water was cool and welcoming. The edge was shallow enough to sit, but plunged into a deep, dark nothingness in the centre.

We both sat around the edge, listening to the movement of the water, until Owen broke the silence.

"I was thinking, tomorrow is a full moon, and the Elders will address everyone, in relation to our small victory, and I wondered, if we could announce our intentions to bond?"

I could not form any words. Was this something I wanted? After all the Minister had said, could I still do this?

I slid under the water, letting it engulf me. I could hear Owen's distorted voice from above. I closed my eyes and opened as I exhaled slowly, pockets of air rushing to the surface around me. I knew what I had to do.

I resurfaced slowly, letting the water fall around my face.

"Owen, I will stand beside you, when you announce our intentions."

"Really?" He smiled, edging closer.

"Yes. You organise for the announcement, and I will be there beside you, when the time comes."

He encased me, leaning his body into mine. We lay entangled in the water, enjoying each other; the curve of his body the heaving of his chest, the strength of his arms. I knew it would be the last time. 

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