22. Shocking revelation

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Rudransh's pov

I was sleeping peacefully when it was disturbed by my phone ringing. I groaned and picked up the phone.

"What is it ?" I spoke rudely.

"Sir , I have got all the details about mam's family." Sleep flew away and I widened my eyes.

"Okay , send me the file with their details to my office."

"Okay sir."

"What took you so long to find it out ? It has been months."

"Sir , the information was hidden. It took a lot of time to dig out the information but as you said I have not found out anything from Mam's past except about her parents."

"Good job." And i hung up the call.

I looked at the wall clock and decided to get ready for today. I entangled myself from her hold and took a shower. I decided to write a short note for anya about me leaving early. I kissed her forehead lovingly and left the room.

I met with ru and arjun downstairs they were about to leave as well. We talked for a few minutes until I decided I was late and rushed off.


When I entered my cabin , I saw a file placed on my desk. Then I heard a knock on the door. I turned back and saw my pa rayn.

"Sir , the file on the table is about mam's details. Your schedule for today is free , except some documents where your signs are needed."

"Okay , you may go now."

I took a seat and began reading the file. As i continued to flip the pages , the secrets started to spill out. Each page left me shocked.

When I finished reading the whole file , I was literally shaking with my nerves going haywire.

Oh no !! This can't be happening. Oh shit !! This truth is going to shake her to the core. I am afraid of her reaction.

Please Krishna ji , please give me enough strength to tell this truth to her and handle her.

Shivanya's pov

As I woke up, the morning light filtering through the curtains, I noticed Ansh's side of the bed was already empty. He must have left for his meeting. I found a note he had left for me on the bedside table. Smiling, I kept it safely in the drawer, knowing it would brighten my day later.

After freshening up, I quickly got ready for college. The driver was waiting for me downstairs, and soon I was on my way, the bustling city life passing by as I thought about Ansh and the day ahead.

The test today was good, but not as easy as I hoped. I needed a break, so I headed to the canteen to grab some food. As I sat there, enjoying a quiet moment, a girl around my height caught my attention. She had a small, friendly smile on her face as she stood before my table, looking like she wanted to say something. Curious, I smiled back, waiting to see what she had to say.

"Hello , I am avni. Actually , I wanted to ask whether I can sit here ? Other tables are full." I slowly nodded my head.

She took a seat opposite me and gave me a soft smile. Oh ! Weird. As much as I know , I have recieved only mean looks in this college.

"What's your name ?" Oh ! Crap. I forgot to introduce myself.

"Hi , I am shivanya." I said giving her a small smile.

"Which class ?"

"Bsc first year."

"Oh ! You are in my class. I didn't see you in class ever."

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