Like Crazy: 1.2

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The following Tuesday, Jimin showed up at dance practice with hickeys painted all over his neck. Jungkook could barely look at him, his heart getting further crushed with each red mark. Hobi pulled Jimin aside and tried to make light conversation, "Looks like you've been having fun."

"I've been trying to. And before you lecture me, I know what it looks like...and maybe I am still spiraling. But fuck it, I just wanna feel something." Jimin stared into his friend's eyes, warning him with a look not to criticize his decisions.

Hobi shook his head. "You know that we're all here for you. If you need anything, whether it's a shoulder to cry on or an ear to bend. We're all worried about you."

"I don't want to shed another tear. He's not worth it." Jimin could feel himself getting angry even though he knew that his friends meant well. "If I need you, I will let you know."

"Don't get mad, Minie. Just watch out for yourself."

Jungkook approached, having overheard most of their conversation. "Hey, we need to focus on my comeback which is in less than two weeks. No more delays, let's get to work."

During the practice for the rest of the week, Jimin kept a cool distance from his friends. Most evenings he went out to a dance club. More than once he hooked up with a stranger, waking up in a stranger's bed, and making his way back home or to dance practice. Repeating the process the next day. By the end of the week it was apparent that he was both sleep and food deprived as his stamina was slumping.

Most of his former roommates and Big Hit co-workers filtered back to the office throughout the week. Both Yoongi and Namjoon tried to pull Jimin aside, attempting to talk with him, but getting blown off at each attempt. The wall around Jimin's heart kept growing taller as he purposefully shut himself off from his friends.

Jin swung by practice a couple of times and ended up mostly speaking with Jungkook and Hobi who were both growing more concerned about their friend. "He's looking like shit," Jin said after one practice. Jimin and the other dancers had left by this time. "Do we need an intervention?"

"I think we need Tae," Jungkook replied. "If anyone can get through to Minie, it's him. When does he get back?"

"He comes back tomorrow. Have you told him what's going on?" Jin asked.

"I haven't had the heart. I know he's having fun. This is the first vacation Tae's been able to take in 2 years," Hobi said.

"I'll text him. Hopefully he can make some headway." The three looked at each other nodding. "If not, we'll have to try a full intervention," Jin added.

(Saturday evening)

Taehyung got back from his Paris vacation and immediately contacted Jimin. They made arrangements to hang out for the evening. When Jimin showed up to Taehyung's apartment, Tae grabbed his face and looked him over. "You aren't taking care of yourself. Have you eaten today?"

Jutting out his bottom lip, Jimin shook his head. "I had some hangover tonic and coffee."

"Have you been drinking every day?" Taehyung asked. He sighed when Jimin nodded his head. Reaching over to peek down Jimin's t-shirt, he saw several hickey remnants. "You know you can't keep doing this to yourself, right?"

"Each night, I go out and get lost in the lights of the dance floor. I lose myself and the thoughts that invade my brain every day least for a little while. I know it's not a permanent fix, but it's what I need right now."

Taehyung looked concerned, but instead of criticizing decided to lighten the mood. "Tonight, let's order some food and watch a movie. We'll hang out like old times. How does that sound?" Taehyung smiled as his friend nodded his head and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's torso. The two held each other for a minute before Taehyung asked, "What do you want to eat?"

The rest of the night they ate lots of food and watched a movie. Taehyung felt like he was breaking through and was comforted to see his friend seem happy. However, the movie left Jimin in a funk, as it showed a couple who kept having things get in the way of their love. "This is so true, there's always something that gets in the way. Humans are too weak to be faithful," Jimin said at the end of the film.

"It doesn't have to be that way. Look at my parents ... or yours. They've had ups and downs, but they've made it work."

"I need a drink," Jimin said. He went to explore Taehyung's pantry and found the case of wine that Taehyung brought back for gifts. 


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