Alone: 1.0

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(That Saturday)

On the drive over to Jin's house Jimin began giving Taehyung the full details of his tryst with the two SHINee members. Taehyung's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he listened to some details that he couldn't shake from his mind. "I really thought SHINee were nice guys," Taehyung stated quietly while shaking his head.

"They are really nice...and sexy as hell. After they left that morning, Minho had some homemade hangover stew delivered along with a case of tonic and a bunch of roses. And later that afternoon, Taemin called and we had a long talk. He felt as if they took advantage of me, but I assured him that wasn't true." Jimin glanced over at Taehyung and continued after seeing his eyebrows knitted together. "Taemin said he knew I was hurting after my breakup with Kai. He wants to get to know me better. So he came over that night and we had a long talk."

"Well, that's somewhat better. As long as he didn't just come over to have sex with you again."

"Oh, we did that too. I mean, the man is smokin'. But we talked for a long time before and after. He's really sweet. Apparently he had seen me a few times during JK's MAMA & MMA performances. He said his eyes always found me whenever I was dancing." Jimin's expression grew wistful as he recounted more of his conversation from the other night.

"So you found a new friend?" Taehyung asked, glancing over at Jimin briefly.

"Friend with benefits," Jimin giggled. "Too bad he's going on tour for the next 2 months."

The two friends continued catching up for the next few minutes before arriving at Jin's house. Jimin grew quiet as they approached the front door, but felt relief when Namjoon greeted them with open arms. "Jinnie and Yoongles are in the kitchen, the rest of us are in the living room." He led them in and everyone stood up to hug Tae.

Jimin stood awkwardly to the side until Hobi came over and scooped him up, swinging his legs back and forth. "Hey cutie, are you gonna be ready for more practice next week?" Hobi asked.

"Of course," Jimin mumbled an answer, still feeling skeptical that Hobi and Jungkook would be on good terms with him. Jungkook came over and patted him on the back, purposefully not looking at his collarbone that was freshly painted with hickeys.

After the group sat and chatted for a few minutes, Yoongi came out of the kitchen and hollered, "Time to eat!"

The group gathered together at Jin's dining table and shared a meal of kimchi jjigae and bossam. The conversation was jovial and Jimin began to relax when he was not the topic. He even snapped a photo and shared it on his Insta.

However, after they moved back to the living room the mood shifted as Jin began to question Jimin's behavior from the past several weeks

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However, after they moved back to the living room the mood shifted as Jin began to question Jimin's behavior from the past several weeks. Yoongi tried to lighten the mood and switch the conversation, but had no luck as Jungkook and Hobi weighed in with their opinions. Taehyung tried half-heartedly to defend his friend, "Hey, you guys know Jimin's been through a lot. We may not agree with his actions, but he's an adult." He turned towards Jimin and reached for his hand, "I just don't like seeing you hurt yourself." Jungkook nodded his head in agreement, tears forming in his large, doe eyes.

Jimin pulled his hand away from Taehyung and narrowed his eyes at his best friend. "I came here hoping this wouldn't turn into an inquisition." Jimin glared at each of his friends, seeing defiance in some, sadness in others. "You all think I haven't read the group chat, but I've read it all. I know you brought be here under the auspices of friendship. But what you really planned was an intervention."

Taehyung gasped quietly and Jungkook sucked in his breath. None of Jimin's former roommates thought that Jimin had been reading the chat. They all thought back to the various things they'd been saying about Jimin over the past few weeks, and each of them began to feel varying amounts of guilt.

"Minie's support group" Jimin raised his hands in air-quotes, "Minie's ignoring us." He felt his anger growing as he continued, "I've felt like shit since Kai shattered my heart. And I've been doing what I need to in order to keep myself from doing something truly harmful. I would expect my friends to have some understanding. You've all asked me if I was ok, and I appreciated it. But it didn't take long for every single one of you to talk shit about me in the chat. And now you invite me here pretending that it's just gonna be a group get-together, when the whole time you've had ulterior motives." Jimin locked his eyes with his best friend now, "Well guess what. I'm not ok. But if you're not going to support me, without constantly questioning my decisions, then you can fuck right off. I sure as hell don't need whatever this is. You can take this intervention bullshit and shove it up your asses."

Unbeknownst to his friends, Jimin had ordered a cab several minutes ago. So when he grabbed his jacket and stormed out the door, they all looked at each other bewildered. Taehyung ran out after him only to see the taillights of a cab pulling away.

"Well that turned out just great," Yoongi dead-panned.

"Fuck," Jungkook mumbled.


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