Letter: 1.2

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(The same day, NYC to LA)

After the private jet departed for LA, Jungkook pulled Jimin into the private room with him. "We need to talk," Jungkook said in a voice loud enough for the staff and managers to hear. That morning, as soon as they boarded the plane, they garnered many questioning glances from HYBE staff and the tour crew. In fact a few minutes earlier Jungkook's personal manager straight up asked him what he was going to do about Jimin, causing Jungkook's frustration to boil over and hence drag Jimin towards the bedroom.

Jimin flung himself on the bed and turned towards Jungkook wiggling his eyebrows. "Are you wanting to become members of the mile high club?" Jimin giggled over his own joke.

Sighing, Jungkook sat on the bed next to Jimin and slapped his ample booty that was looking very tempting. "We have 4 days until the "end" of my tour." He added the air quotes since they both knew there would be one more show in Seoul that was going to be announced at the end of the LA performance. "I want to go public. Maybe announce it after the show?"

As he sat up, releasing the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, Jimin turned to face his boyfriend. "Are you sure? It's gonna blow up and there's a good chance your fans will desert you. Have you really thought through the risks?"

The two stared at each other reading the varied emotions reflected on their faces. Having known each other for several years, they could read each other like an open book. "I know it won't be easy for either of us. And I also know that some ARMY may leave me ... but I think the vast majority of them will love and support us. I'm 27 years old. Many our age have families already."

"But you're an idol. The rules are different for you."

"It's not unheard of for idols to even marry at my age. Look at Chen and Taeyang, or Bobby having a baby. And many others have dated openly."

"After the press outed them," Jimin added. "And you're leaving out that none of them are gay."

"There are out LGBTQIA+ idols ... not many, but there are some. And that's more reason for us to be open. You know as well as me that there are plenty of others who aren't out. Maybe by us coming out, we can help others?"

"And if it destroys your career? Will you end up hating me for it?" Jimin had tears welling up in his eyes. "I don't know if I can take that risk." Now the tears ran down his cheeks as his brain imagined a possible future without Jungkook.

"Baby ..." Jungkook pulled Jimin onto his lap and wiped the tears from his face. "You're stuck with me, whatever happens." He wrapped his arms around the smaller man and held him tightly.

"You won't leave me?" Jimin asked through sniffles.

"I'll be by your side for as long as you'll have me." Jungkook pulled away in order to pepper Jimin's face with soft kisses. As his lips pressed against Jamin's, he tugged slightly at Jimin's hair, eliciting a soft moan. As their bodies continued to entwine and their kiss deepened, a knock on the door had Jimin scrambling off of Jungkook's lap and sitting on the bed with a deep blush across his cheeks. "Come in," Jungkook yelled.

The manager popped his head in long enough to tell them that lunch was ready. As soon as he left, Jimin dropped his head in his hands. "That was embarrassing."

"I guess no mile high club then, hmm?" Jungkook joked while rubbing his boyfriend's shoulders. "Relax. Let's go get some food and then come back in here and watch a movie. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good. But first, let me say yes."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, we can go public. If that's what you want, I want it too ... despite my reservations."

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