Episode 1: Money Battle

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Friends Intro w/ M/F Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, and Sothis plays

After the surprise visit of the Miis and their friends, Garreg Mach soon becomes a spot of filming where all the actions and adventures of the students will be recorded for others across the globe to enjoy. With the setup completed and the students and staff all filled in, the setting scene for the first episode was about to begin.

M Byleth: Well, this is certainly going to be an interesting year. Being watched at every single angle for others to enjoy.

F Byleth: At the very least, it'll make things a bit more, fun I guess?

M Byleth: I suppose so. By the way, where are those guys?

Brawler: Right here! hops into frames along with the others

Swordfighter: All the prep work has been done, so all that's left to do is hop out of frame and record everything.

Gunner: It'll be like we were never here. So, what's going on with you guys?

F Byleth: Well, the first mock battle is coming up. So...

Brawler: Perfect! That should make for a perfect pilot episode. Alright everyone! Back behind the camera!

the three Miis hop out of frame in an instant

M Byleth: ... Where'd they go?

Hanneman: Ah, professors. There you are.

the twins turn around to see Hanneman, Manuela, and Jeritza

Manuela: So, how have you been adjusting to the monastery?

F Byleth: A bit jarring honestly, but it's been going well we think.

Jeritza: Fantastic.

M Byleth: You guys aren't, you know, upset that Rhea had us two teach all three classes and sort of kick you guys to the side.

Manuela: Well I certainly wished she had given us a warning before this sudden change, but it's all good.

Hanneman: If anything, it's allowed me to exert more of my time into crest research.

Jeritza: And more time for training.

F Byleth: I guess that's a fair trade.

Hanneman: Back on topic, we're here to ask you about you plan on doing for the upcoming mock battle.

Manuela: You do remember, right?

M Byleth: Of course. Rhea and Seteth told us when we first joined.

F Byleth: Problem is, we aren't sure which house we should represent for the upcoming battle.

M Byleth: I mean, all three houses seem really really good. And honestly, I don't think we could decide which one to lead for the mock battle.

Hanneman: That does seem like a predicament. But you will have to make a choice soon. The mock battle is only a few days away.

F Byleth: We know, it's just. Really hard ok.

Jeritza: I have a proposal.

Manuela: Oh Jeritza, I'm flattered honestly...

Jeritza: Not that kind.

Manuela: Aw.

Jeritza: What if the three of us take charge of one of the classes, while the professors spectate the battle as judges?

Hanneman: Hm? That does seem like I great idea. Plus it'll allow us actually teach the houses we were originally assigned to.

M Byleth: Who were you supposed to teach?

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