Episode 8: Garreg Mach Art Club

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With the monastery still on high alert regarding the possible assassination of the archbishop, tensions have been running rampant around the Officer's Academy with its students trying to keep their minds occupied. Fortunately, a few students decide to take to painting to lighten up. But little do they know this would blossom into something much grander.

Ignatz: heading out to do some painting Huh? spots Bernadetta at his usual spot with a brush, easel, and canvas set up Bernadetta's here? I'm actually kind of surprised. She doesn't seem to leave her room all that often. I wonder what she's painting?

Bernadetta: humming to herself Ok Bernie, what should I paint today? A tree? Some birds? Oh, maybe a new carnivorous plant. That sounds like fun.

Ignatz: Hello Bernadetta, what you painting?

Bernadett: AGH!? gets startled so bad she smears her blank canvas with paint

Ignatz: Woah!? I-I'm sorry for scaring you, Bernadetta.

Bernadetta: turns around AH! Uh, I-Ignatz? W-What are you doing here?

Ignatz: I was coming here to paint. I didn't mean to scare you like that. I hope I didn't ruin your art.

Bernadetta: Oh, well, I actually hadn't drawn anything yet. But now my canvas is ruined. Nice going Bernie Bear.

Ignatz: Bernadetta. Apologies for the scare. Here, I have extra canvas you can borrow.

Bernadetta: R-Really?

Ignatz: Of course. I always like to bring a spare canvas with me in-case sudden inspiration hits me. Here, take it. hands over the canvas

Bernadetta: Um, thank you?

Ignatz: No problem, Bernadetta. Now, would you mind if we painted here together?

Bernadetta: Uh, I'm not sure. I mean, you're, you're...

Ignatz: Bernadetta? Are you feeling alright? Look, if it's too much for you, I'll find another place to paint.

Bernadetta: N-No! It's just, well, my father doesn't really like me hanging around commoners.

Ignatz: Your father, Count Varley? Isn't he the guy the professors rescued from bandits?

Bernadetta: Yeah. I had no idea he was even in the area, but I definitely didn't want him to see me.

Ignatz: Well, how's he been since his run in with the bandits.

Bernadetta: Well, actually, he's been bunkered in our house ever since Hubert told him about the Western Church's assassination list. My mother told me he's barely able to come out of his room in fear of dying. Honestly, it feels kind of good in a way.

Ignatz: I guess you didn't have a good relationship with him in the past.

Bernadetta: To be honest, he's been this harsh on me since I was little. Since I have a crest, he's spent years training me to be,... well...

Ignatz: Please, if it's too much for you to talk about. I won't force you to say it. But, why does your father hate commoners?

Bernadetta: He's always looked down on them either lacking any standing or not having a crest. But one day he decided to send a message to one of them. There was this commoner boy I used to hang out with. I believe his name was, Regulus? Something like that. But, he was very nice to me. But when my father saw me hanging out with him so much, he beat him to death on the streets.

Ignatz: Goddess, that's, horrible.

Bernadetta: It's been a rough life for me growing up. And while I mostly stay inside my room all day, sometimes I have the courage to come out and do things I enjoy, like gardening, sewing, and painting.

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