Episode 4: Face The Thunder

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With the band of thieves taken care of, the three houses and professors celebrate their victory after their first successful mission. The students express their gratitude of all making it out alive and feeling like they can take on any challenge thrown at them. That sense of pride however, would soon be tested thanks to one Knight of Serios that makes her enemies quiver in their boots

in the audience chamber

Rhea: Well done professors. You got rid of the bandits and got everyone back safe.

Seteth: You have our gratitude professors. Despite my initial worries, you seem to have proven your skills as both a teacher and knight.

M Byleth: Thank you. It's what we do.

F Byleth: We all want everyone to get home safe and sound, and we did just that.

Rhea: I appreciate your kindness and will. I look forward to giving you and your students your next task by the end of the month.

Seteth: Until then, I recommend that you take your students to the Training Grounds to prepare.

Byleth Twins: Sounds good.

Rhea: May the goddess bless you and your students.

the twins leave the audience hall and bring their students to the Training Grounds, some more eager than others

Ingrid: Alright, it's training time! I wonder which of you will be my sparring partner?

Felix: Well unfortunately for you, I already called Dimitri as my training partner.

Dimitri: Really? When did agree on that?

Felix: Just now boar.

Sylvain: So, guess that leaves me and Ingrid, right?

Ingrid: As much as I would love to punch you in the face for the eighth time this week, I'll probably find someone else.

Caspar: Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me! I'll fight you!

Ingrid: Uh, sure. Why not, I guess.

Caspar: Yes! Let's go!

Linhardt: Just try not to get yourself hurt too much, Caspar. Overwise I'll have to do more healing work than I normally have to.

Raphael: Hey Ingrid, when you're done fighting Caspar, could we also spar together?

Ingrid: Aren't there any other students you want to spar with?

Raphael: Well, perhaps. But I need someone who can match my muscle power, and I also don't want to send anyone to the infirmary. Trust me, that's happened more than once.

Claude: I mean if you wanted to punch Lorenz across the room, I'd pay a lot of money for that.

Raphael: As tempting as that is Claude, I don't want to punch people just because. Plus he wouldn't really stand much of a chance against me.

Lorenz: You realize I can hear you right!?

Ashe: If you're looking to fight someone as strong as you, why not spar with Dedue? He certainly seems as strong as you are.

Raphael: Hm, you do have a point Ashe. Hey Dedue! You wanna...?

Dedue: No.

Ashe: What? Why not?

Dedue: I only spar with his majesty. No one else.

Dimitri: Dedue, I insist. I would be perfectly fine with you sparring with someone else. Besides, Felix and I are already partners.

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