Episode 9: The Sword in the Coffin

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With the Rite of Rebirth right around the corner, tensions are at an all-time high trying to figure out the Western Church's true intentions against the Church of Serios. Wanting to ensure this threat is dealt with, Seteth calls together all the knights together to discuss what to do to prevent the attack.

in the Cardinal's Room

Seteth: Everyone, thank you for taking the time to join us here for this important meeting. I am sure you all know why I called you here, correct?

Catherine: Yeah, the Western Church wants to assassinate Lady Rhea, and we need to stop them.

Shamir: So what, you want us to go over defensive positions we should be stationed at?

Seteth: More than just that, I want to ensure the Western Church doesn't breach the walls of the monastery to access important rooms.

M Byleth: What could they possibly be after?

Alois: Well, if I had to wager a guess, there's two possible places they might try and attack. The Holy Tomb, and the Holy Mausoleum.

F Byleth: Is there a difference?

Gilbert: The Holy Tomb is a sacred place where the Goddess was said to have resided to regain her strength after healing the land. And the Holy Mausoleum is said to be where the remains of Saint Serios reside. While the Holy Tomb is always closed off, the mausoleum is open on only one important day; The Rite of Rebirth.

Byleth Twins: The what?

Rhea: Allow me to explain.

Seteth: Rhea? What are you doing here?

Rhea: You were holding a meeting regarding my safety and failed to invite me. I felt like I should weigh in on the situation myself.

M Byleth: More ideas the better, I guess.

F Byleth: Tell us, what is the Rite of Rebirth?

Rhea: You see, many centuries ago, there was an attempt to resurrect the goddess from her deep slumber. Saint Serios, alongside the Four Apostles: Aubin, Noa, Chevalier, and Timotheos pooled their blood together into the Chalice of Beginnings in hopes of bringing her back. Alas, the ritual failed, and the Four Apostles vanished into the winds. 

Seteth: There persist many rumors that the blood of the Four Apostles still lingers to this very day, but the likelihood of that coming to be is very small.

Hanneman: Sadly, it seems their bloodline has run dry centuries ago. It would have been such a wonderful joy to study those who wielded the once forgotten blood of the Four Apostles. But finding those out there is just as lucky as Manuela finding a husband.

Manuela: Hey! I heard that you know! Besides, why are we even here to begin with? We're professors, not knights.

M Byleth: Then why isn't Jeritza here?

F Byleth: Actually, has anyone seen Jeritza around these last few days?

Catherine: Not really. He kind of just appears and disappears without reason.

Shamir: In and out without a trace. Notable.

Seteth: In any case, due to the Western Church's assassination plot, I'm afraid we'll have to cancel the Rite of Rebirth that will be held in the Cathedral.

M Byleth: The Cathedral?

F Byleth: Why isn't it in, you know, the Holy Mausoleum?

Rhea: Normally, the Mausoleum is open to the public to observe, but the actual ritual is held in the Cathedral as to not disturb the place.

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