Twenty Four: Utilitarianism (Part 3)

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Her body relaxed as a fresh gust of wind ruffled her hair. Her right toe unconsciously made tiny patterns over the slightly wet sand of the shore, each wave deleting her painting and presenting a new fresh canvas underneath.

Krithika inhaled slowly as her mind registered the familiar sweet fragrance of salt and sand and she smiled. Beaches had comforted her from childhood. Whenever she had gotten a chance to travel to the coasts, she had never missed her chance to visit beaches.

It had calmed her then, and it still did.

She looked at the horizon, imagining what could be beyond that point. Probably a beach that touched another part of the land, or was it a never-ending chase between sky and sea? She didn't care to search for answers but was amazed by nature.

She had started to go to the office. They hadn't bothered her with a termination notification that she had dreaded like a plague. Getting fired for absence was the last thing on her list of stupidity.

She had avoided any chance of crossing Xavier's path, declining anything that required meeting Xavier. It had been hard to completely evacuate his presence, especially when everyone around her couldn't stop gushing about their boss's change of behavior.


That particular thought soured her mood and she stopped thinking about work or anything related. She wanted to be calm and this was her moment.

The past few months had been hard for her, initially fighting lust and lately fighting depression. Her therapist hadn't looked happy with the turn of events. She had inquired her about it, to which Krithika had blatantly lied, and hadn't told her therapist the truth about her outburst in her boss's closed cabin.

She sighed, realizing that it was impossible for her to not think about Xavier. He was attached like a leech to her subconscious mind, oozing out in every thought.

You hate him.

Her conscience screamed, trying to make her look beyond her stupidity and she agreed to it. He had caused enough damage to her already struggling mind. There was no other way out than avoiding him until she got a new job. Even though she wasn't ready to leave the Xhasis there was no other alternative.


It had been quite some time since Xavier had worked out in the gym as hard as that day. And he did have his reasons to drain his energy there.

Lately, his mind had started playing funny tricks, making him aware of the night when a temptress had seduced him, had kissed him with the same hunger as his.

It was such a shame that after wallowing for a month in his 'self-assessment' and trying to be 'considerate', his mind had blown back to that particular night, never forgetting any detail of what the little minx had done to him.

It was a damn fucking mistake!

His body had craved for only one woman. After she had left, he had felt no compulsion, no need to touch another. Yes, his body had its own needs but he had controlled well for the past few years, which felt slowly slipping away from him.

Standing straight he grimaced when pain shot through every muscle in his body. He surely had stretched his limits too far. After taking a cold shower he readied to leave for the office.

Satya was back from her expedition with a glum expression as a constant on her face. It had to be something upsetting and he knew it somehow had to be related to Narayan but he hadn't bothered to pry. He knew that she would tell him whenever she felt comfortable sharing, though the sooner the better.

After reaching to office, he debated whether to take the usual route of stairs, his aching body decided against it as his feet already trudged towards the elevator door. He saw it was open and strode to catch it.

He saw someone standing inside it, "Please hold!" he hurriedly called. He was just a few feet away when he started to march faster than before. Before he could reach it, the doors slid shut and his eyes recognized a familiar figure disappearing behind the metal wall.

Worst boss ever.



I prefer to listen to "Bavra Mann" while watching the sunset, it's the most therapeutic stuff available there. This song holds so many memories that I can write a short story on that.

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