the second half of your moon

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Outside Mister S's Mystery Shop


"Urgh... Just my luck..." [M/N] tried to brush his hair in place as he walked down the stone pathway. The water that drenched him during P.E has caused his hair to dry frizzy and puff up all over the place. At least he is changed into his regular uniform again since class ended, save the fact that he had to do P.E wearing Kalim's track suit jacket because Floyd couldn't keep his hands to himself.

"Aha don't worry about it [M/N]. In fact let me order you all the uniform you need so you wouldn't need to borrow from the lost and found anymore... How does 200 sound?" Kalim's cheery voice replayed in his mind, his rather generous offer haunting the boy as he wouldn't even begin to fathom how and where to put all those uniforms. Other than being a recurring regular at the lost and found [M/N] used to hand stitch the uniform together. Though he has been slacking on that aspect, feeling a bit too afraid of showing his face back at the Fair Queen's castle for her guidance.

[M/N] found himself in front of Mr S's shop after his aimless wandering. He stared up at the 'unique' characteristic of the building debating to himself if he should buy something for himself since it is lunch after all and the cafeteria would be a free for all kill zone by this time. [M/N] thought to himself, shaking his head as he tried to walk away only to be cut off with the sound of his stomach growling.

"..Right because having Physical Education before break is such a good time table choice.." [M/N] groaned to himself as he reluctantly pushed through the front door, the bell jingling to signify his entrance.

Sam's signature greeting fell flat on [M/N] as he droned out the shopkeepers voice in favor of speeding over to the snack section of the shop. A tuft of dirty blonde hair, large ears fuzzy ears and a short brown tail wagging incessantly caught his attention. His eyes immediately zeroing in on the large ears flicking occasionally, [M/N]'s hands twitched as he is filled with an itch that needs to be sated; 'Must pet'.

"Oi! I can feel a stray dog's eyes on me.."

"Ah Ruggie... Don't mind my staring..." [M/N] turned away, scratching his tinged cheeks bashfully as he avoids staring at Ruggie's hyena ears that look so soft and fuzzy and...

"Oi!" Ruggie snapped his fingers getting [M/N]'s attention. "Get out of your head stray" The hyena beast man crossed his arms as he stared at [M/N] with a frown.

"Yeah yeah I'm sorry aha-..." [M/N] weakly chuckled letting the silence fall on the two again. "Sooo.. what brings you here it ain't like you to hang around the shop. Wait let me guess, the cafeteria got too much for the elusive Ruggster to handle?"

"You got that right.." Ruggie let out a sigh at the memory, his ears laying flat against his head. "Everyone crammin and fightin in the lines, like it's the final supper. If Leona hadn't kept me I probably would've been able to snag lunch...Doesn't he get it by now that the first day is always the roughest.." Ruggie grumbled out his complaints, his tail swaying side to side to vent out his frustrations.

"Maybe if I just..." Ruggie brought his hand up to pick up one of the pre-packed lunches, getting a feel of its weight.

"Yeah no way would that work... Didn't you learn your lesson from last year..." [M/N] huffed out, shaking his head in slight disappointment at the route Ruggie planned to do. Ruggie just clicked his tongue and placed the lunch back on its shelf, his ears falling flat against his blonde hair once more and his tail tucked between his legs.

THE FINAL ANSWER ; Twisted Wonderland x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now