the first day for the rest of your days

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Ramshackle Dorm


"Awaken my fellow dormmates, the sun has risen once more. It is time for us to conquer and seize another day!" [M/N] barged into Yuu's and Grim's shared room.

"Mmm... what are you my mom?... give me 5 more minutes..." Grim let out a yawn as he curled up closer towards Yuu. The boy also sharing the same sentiment of pulling the covers over his head in an attempt to block out [M/N]'s voice. [M/N] only shook his head in a disappointment at their actions. He made his way through the room and opened the window blinds, letting the bright sunshine through the room. Grim hissed out at the sudden brightness and Yuu groaned from the light.

"Jeez what are you both? Vampires?" [M/N] commented as he crossed his arms. Soon enough the three ghosts that lived in Ramshackle Dorm appeared beside [M/N].

"Hee hee.. go ahead and sleep the day away... and you might never wake up again.." One of the ghosts whispered by Grim's ear. Grim cracked his eyes open slightly and was met with horrifying sight of the same ghosts from last night.

"Myah?! They're back!!" Grim cried out, unintentionally baring his claws out as he scrambled off the bed causing Yuu to wake up from the pain of being scratched. [M/N] chuckled at the sight of Grim cowering with his tail between his leg and Yuu grumbling awake.

"You! Stop laughing! It's not funny! Imagine if you were woken up with your deepest and darkest fear all up in your face." Grim cried out as he noticed [M/N] laughing at him.

"Fine... I'm up, I'm up....against my will..." Yuu groaned as he got himself out of bed. [M/N] smiled at their actions still giggling slightly.

"Well remember what the Headmage said, you guys got a job to do while I got classes to attend." [M/N] proudly exclaimed as he placed his hands on hips, standing proud as he begins his first day as a second year student and another year as Housewarden to this Ramshackle Dorm.

"Yeah rub it in why don't you." Grim huffed out as he jumped back onto the bed, narrowing his eyes at the Second Year student.

"Oh don't be so sour, with hard work you might get a chance to get enrolled." [M/N] chuckled as he bent down the pet Grim's head. The cat grumbling to himself as he let [M/N] pet his head.

"If the Dark Mirror didn't place you in a dorm then how did you manage to get this dorm all to yourself." Grim asked while patting away at [M/N]'s hand telling him to stop the pets.

"Ah, well first I wanted to fight all the Housewarden at once... but the Headmaster wouldn't let me. So I beat him in a duel instead." [M/N] responded cheerful as he looked back at the fond memory.

"WHAT?!" Grim and Yuu exclaimed at the same time. "You must be crazy strong?! To beat the Headmaster in a duel." Grim blabbered on as he stared with wide eyes at the seemingly bright eyed boy next to him.

"I'd say I'm alright." [M/N] replied with a grin.

"Hpmh. Just you wait then human, I'll get even stronger than you and then....." Grim trailed off his sentence as he took a moment to think. "And then I'll challenge you for Housewarden and become the greatest mage to ever live." Grim proclaimed with a smirk on his face at his seemingly flawless plan.

"Sure thing, I'll wait for the day you fight me in a duel then." [M/N] chuckled at Grim's enthusiasm. He ruffled the beast's head once more before standing up and stretching.

"Ah you've changed..." Yuu pointed the difference in [M/N]'s attire. He was wearing his regular school uniform attire instead of the ceremonial robes Yuu saw him in last night. A white blouse with its sleeve rolled up to his elbows exposing his forearms and a neck tie that has been tied to a dead knot that throws off the entire outfit.

THE FINAL ANSWER ; Twisted Wonderland x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now