if you need to be mean

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Ramshackle Dorm- Lounge


Ace tossed and turned in his sleep. The fingers on his hands twitched as beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and his body flinched in slumber. The metal collar around his neck felt like it was suffocating him and the clothes on his back were too heavy and hot. His face scrunched in fear and disgust as all the nightmarish possibilities that could go wrong at the unbirthday party played in his mind like a sick theater designed to torture him. Ace jolted awake, gasping for air. His hands immediately reached for his neck, rubbing against the little exposed skin. a small relief washed over him when he realized his head and body were still connected.

"You sure are noisy in bed." Ace lifted his head to see [M/N] sitting cross-legged by his feet. The boy let out a groan as fell back against the couch, pulling the blanket over his head. "Frankly I'm surprised he can sleep through all your mewling and groaning." [M/N] commented, Ace pulled the blanket down to take a peek and noticed Deuce, who had taken the liberty of sleeping on the roll-out mattress on the floor, was still fast asleep; snoring even.

Ace turned over to face the couch back. "Have you been staring at me all night... creepy," Ace muttered out in which [M/N] could only laugh in response.

"I only came when you wouldn't stop groaning, I thought some creature of the night got to you first." [M/N] replied as he leaned back against the couch, throwing his arm over the back. "But I wouldn't say I was too off the mark." [M/N] pointed a finger at Ace's disheveled appearance, it was clear the red hair had woken up from a nightmare. Ace scoffed and rolled his eyes at the accusation. "It's alright to say you're afraid of Riddle, it won't make me think of you any less ya know?" [M/N] tried to reassure the redhead.

"Why? Are you going to comfort me by saying you're also afraid of that teapot tyrant?" Ace raised a brow at the upperclassman.

"Me? Oh no. I'm not scared of Riddle."

"Then why does he step all over you like that..."

"Only because I let him."

Ace stared blankly at the boy. He did not buy his words one bit. "Yeah... right..." Ace shook his head before pulling the blanket over his head once more. Ace closed his eyes and tried to drift back into slumber but the images of his head rolling onto the grass of the rose maze with Riddle stepping over his decapitated head flashed in his mind. The boy groaned out in annoyance which only caused [M/N] to chuckle at his inability to go back to sleep. "Oh yeah because that is helpful." Ace spat out as he moved to sit up.

"Oh? Would you rather have me sing you a lullaby and give you a goodnight's kiss?" [M/N] teased as he tilted his head at Ace.

Ace flushed a deep red as he got defensive. "WHAT?! NO!" The boy flung one of the throw pillows at [M/N] but the boy caught it in time.

[M/N] chuckled as he put the pillow on his lap. "Then how about we play some cards to pass the time." The boy pulled out a deck of playing cards from his pocket, shaking it before taking the cards out of the box. Ace let out a sigh before he sat up and scooted over closer to [M/N]. [M/N] handed the deck for Ace to shuffle but kept one card. He flashed the card in front of Ace's face; Ace of Hearts. "Look, it's you." [M/N] grinned. Ace held an unamused look on his face before plucking the card out of the boy's hand. The card joined the rest of the deck as Ace began to shuffle the cards.

"Why bother doing all this anyways... It's not like I'm in your dorm, you don't have any obligations." Ace mumbled out. His eyes focused on the shuffling of cards and the blur of red and black against white.

THE FINAL ANSWER ; Twisted Wonderland x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now