enter the red rose tyrant

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[M/N] wandered into the cafeteria, only managing to nearly scrape by from the earlier catastrophe because Crewel had arrived at the lab late. Which allowed [M/N] and some other lingering students to creep in safely. [M/N] shivered at the potential scolding he could've gotten from the diva professor, shaking his head off the thought.

"Right now... back to business... lunch..." [M/N] mumbled out as he scoured the hefty options to choose from. Though his perfectly calculated decision making had to be cut short as he heard a familiar shriek behind him.

"Myah?! No way!-"

[M/N] turned around to spot his little gang of ducklings cornered by some big bad wolves. He let out a huff wondering how accident prone those first years are. [M/N] appeared behind the first years tossing an arm around Ace and Deuce as he made his presence known.

"Now, now men with gentle hands. We wouldn't want a brawl to break out so early in the year." [M/N] hummed out, tutting and waving his index finger at the group of delinquents. The older bullies of the group backed down with a scowl but the younger and more spritzy of the group attempted to raise a fist only for him to be pulled back. They whispered amongst themselves, seemingly to warn the youngest about the Housewarden momentarily before sending a glare at [M/N].

"F-fine! Whatever. We don't want food from a flea ridden stray dog!" The youngest scoffed out before stomping away with their group to find another unfortunate student to torment instead.

"What was-" Yuu tried to ask but was cut off by Grim jumping onto [M/N]'s shoulder.

"Yeah that's right! You wouldn't want to mess with The Great Grim." The cat proudly declared as he raised his paw-fist in the air, waving it as if he won a triumphant battle.

"Yeah. Look who decided to show his face around." Ace grumbled at [M/N]'s presence, pushing his arm off him.

"Well I choose to pardon my bodyguard. Especially with how you came in to rescue your master mwehehe!" Grim snickered as he pawed against [M/N]'s cheeks. "Henchman! You can learn a thing or two from the bodyguard on how to serve your master."

"Yeah I'll pass on that lesson." Yuu rolled his eyes at Grim's words.

"Ah... Housewarden, thank you..." Deuce thanked softly with lightly tinted cheeks. He could almost feel the heat radiating off the Housewarden's body, Deuce was thankfully (sometimes) with how touchy and affectionate [M/N] could be.

"Sucking up to him isn't going to get you laid." Ace scoffed at Deuce. The blue haired goody-two shoes persona only made Ace gag and roll his eyes with how obviously smitten Deuce is with [M/N]. Deuce opened his mouth to retaliate but was met with [M/N] placing a finger on his lips.

"Oh hush you overgrown hedgehog. Besides between the two of you it's clear who's on the right track." [M/N] taunted with a grin as he ruffled Deuce's hair, smiling at the blue haired boy whilst Ace let out a disgruntled noise.

"Guess bullies still exist regardless of which world you're in huh." Yuu noted.

"Aw, get over it already. It's chow time." Grim hurriedly made his way to the nearest empty table, plopping down before scarfing down his lunch like a beast. The others followed suit sitting around the table as they watched Grim devour his meal without breaking a sweat; a bit impressive. "So, been there and done that and saw your guys' dorm, but what are the others like?"

THE FINAL ANSWER ; Twisted Wonderland x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now