Chapter 7~ Attempt at stealing Fairy Godmother's Wand!

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Melanie's POV

Auradon Door Room (Same outfit as before)

Evie, Mal, and I walked into the guys' dorm and looked around. Carlos was playing a video game on the TV, and Jay was doing something near his bed.

Walking towards Jay, I asked, "Jay, what are you doing?"

"It's called stealing," he said. "Okay, what's the point?" Mal asked, coming to stand on Jay's other side, and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Well, Mal and Mel, It's like buying whatever I want, except It's free," he said, smiling while opening a laptop. "Okay. So, you could do that," Mal said, grabbing a phone from his bed. " Or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal and I finished saying together.

"You both sound just like your mom." Evie said, " Aww, thank you." Mal and I said together again while putting a hand over our hearts. "You do it your way, and I'll do it mine," Jay said, walking away in Carlos's direction.

"Jay, come check this thing out. Man, It's awesome." Carlos said, handing Jay what looked to be two sticks. Jay took them and stood where Carlos was previously standing and started to play the game.

"Guys!" I said, getting their attention. " Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" Mal asked.

"Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah," Jay said while he continued playing the game making everyone laugh except Mal and I. "This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents." I said sternly, again getting their attention back on the matter. "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel." Mal continued for me.

"Yeah?" Mal and I questioned. "Yeah." Jay, Carlos, and Evie said together.

"Evie, mirror me," I said, and we all gathered around the table. "Mirror, mirror on the... in my hand," Evie started but corrected herself. "Where is fairy godmother's wand... stand?" she finished asking, and it appeared in the mirror.

"Zoom out," Carlos said. "Magic mirror, not so close" Evie whispered into the mirror, which caused it to zoom all the way out and show the globe. " Closer....Closer..... Closer." Evie continued, which made me a little annoyed. Carlos was bored of waiting, so he said, "Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three."

"Stop!" Mal and I said at the same time. " It's in a museum. Do we know where that is?" she asked. Carlos started looking for it on the laptop. "2.3 Miles from here." Carlos said after he found it turning the laptop to face us.

We all smiled and got up, heading to the door. Mal opened it and peeked out to see if the coast was clear. "Come on," she said, and we ran after her. Well, I thought everyone was following, but I heard Evie calling out to Carlos and him responding with a "Coming!" I rolled my eyes and continued to make my way out of the dorms.

(Museum )

We make it to the front steps of the museum. Mal, Evie, and I are up front leading the boys.

"Come on," Mal says. "Check your mirror." I tell Evie while we start going down the steps.

"Is my mascara smudged?" Evie asks me while reaching into her purse to take out the mirror.

"Yeah. And, hey, while you're at it, why don't you see If you can find us the wand?" Mal tells her sarcastically while she is looking into the mirror. We stop walking for a second and wait for her. 

"Sure. This way." Evie says while leading the way. Mal and I just looked at each other, I rolled my eyes, and she lifted her arms in exasperation as we quickly followed after Evie.

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