Chapter 8 ~ Goodness Class🙁/ Tourney Tryouts!

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Melanie's POV

Auradon ( Outfit is Above)

It was the following day, and we were all sitting in a 'full' remedial goodness 101 class.  

'Ugh, note the sarcasm! Like I said last night, this is torture!'  Can you guess who our teacher is? It is..... Fairy Godmother herself! Yay!  I'm going to be shortening her name to FGM because let's be honest 'Fairy Godmother' is unnecessarily long. 

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?" Fairy Godmother asks; she has been asking us questions and trying to get us to answer a safe and good choice. But I am not paying much attention since I have been drawing in my sketchbook since I sat down for this class.

 I am sitting by myself; Mal and Evie are behind me, while the guys are on the other side of them with a space to walk in between.

" Evie." FGM picks on Evie, who raises her hand excitedly. "What was the second one?" Evie says, which makes me roll my eyes as I continue to draw. I was drawing a picture of the wand. "Oh, okay. Anyone else? Melanie?" She calls on me after looking around for a volunteer.

"C, give it a bottle," I said, not looking up from my drawing. "Correct. Again." FGM says, smiling, which causes Carlos to say, "You guys are on fire!" since Mal has also been getting the answers right when she gets called on.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."Mal says, and she has me nodding along with her while the others say "Ohhh" in realization, making me giggle quietly. Right after that, I heard a squeal from behind, and I turned to the side to see a young girl speed-walking to the front to where FGM was standing.

"Hello, dear one," FGM tells her when she gets closer to her. "Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation." the young girl mumbled while handing FGM a clipboard.

" Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?"FGM asks us while the girl tries to protest, "Mom, no!"

"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone." FGM continued as if she didn't hear her daughter. She finished signing the clipboard and gave it back to her. Jane turns around completely to face us.

"Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were." Jane says shakily before rushing to walk by us again, a squeal leaving her lips when she passes next to us. I looked back at Mal and shared a quick look.

"Ahem. Let's continue. You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"FGM continued, which made me turn back in my seat. Since Mal had told them to pick the answer that wasn't fun, they all knew which one it was. So they all raised their hands; I smiled and looked back at them to see Jay pull Carlos' hand down so that he could answer the question. When Jay responded to the question, Carlos got upset because he wanted to say the answer, which caused Jay to mock him and put him in a headlock, bringing him up on the table. 

I looked at the girls, and Evie looked at herself in the mirror while Mal looked forward and smiled in a 'this is what I deal with' kind of way. Which I can relate to; these two never stop. They go at it like little kids. But we love them as they are; they are entertaining. I look at Mal, and we make eye contact, making me wag my eyebrows while looking from her to Jay. She blushes and rolls her eyes at me.

"Boys. Boys! I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field." FGM gets their attention by hitting the stick she had in her hand against the podium. The boys stopped wrestling and just looked at her. "Oh, no. That's okay. Whatever that is, We'll... We'll pass." Carlos says while pushing Jay off him, they get off the table and we continue the class.

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