Chapter 4~ Leaving the Isle of the Lost Part 1

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Melanie's P.O.V

Isle of the Lost

We walked into our home. Our mother was sitting on her favorite chair. Mal, Jay, Evie,Carlos, and I stood before her. I was thinking about what was happening.

'Do I want to go to Auradon? No! I don't want to go what am I saying.'

 My internal battle was interrupted by my mother. "You will go, you will find fairy godmother's wand, and you will bring me the magic wand." She said, staring straight at us. "Easy-peasy." She continued

"What's in it for us?" I asked. "Matching thrones, Hers, Hers, and Hers crown." She answered but still left me wondering because she answered the wrong question. "I think she meant us." Carlos corrected my mother while gesturing to the five of us. "It's all about you and me, girls. Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" She asked Mal and I. "Well, yeah, I mean, who doesn't?" I responded, and Mal just nodded in agreement.

"Then get me the wand, and the three of us can see that and so much more, and with the wand and my scepter, I will be able to bend good and evil to my will!" Our mother said but was corrected by Evil Queen saying, " Our will."

"Our will! Our will! And if you refuse, you two are grounded for the rest of your lives." Our mother continued. Mal and I tried to protest by saying, "What?! Mom!" But our mother snapped her fingers and walked towards us while her eyes glowed green. 

'Ugh, I hate when she does this. 

I thought to myself as she looked at Mal first. Mal's eyes also started to glow green, and they had a stare-down until Mal gave in. Mom then turned to me, and I felt my eyes glow, and we did the same thing she and Mal did. I lasted longer than Mal but gave in because I couldn't fight it any longer. "Fine, whatever, we will do it," I said. After that, everyone separated and went to their parents.

Evil Queen and Evie were together talking about princes with big castles and lots of mirrors, which made me roll my eyes. Cruella was talking about Carlos not going because she would "miss him." Carlos believed her, asking, "Really?" his mother responded, "Yeah, who would touch up my roots, fluff my furs, and scrape the bunions off my feet?" Carlos was disappointed and muttered something. Jafar was talking about how Jay was not going to go because he needed him to "stock up the store." as he pulled Jay away. 

 Mal and I were standing to the side when I noticed that she was staring at something. I turned to see what she was staring at and saw Jay. I smirked, turned back to Mal, and tapped her arm. She looked at me, confused. "You like him, don't you?" I asked her. "Pfft, what no!" She said I looked at her suspiciously, and she turned to our mother once she started talking. ' 

'I'm  so going to get her to admit one day somehow.'

"What is wrong with you all? People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years, I have searched for a way of this island. For 20 years, they robbed us of our revenge. Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men.." She said while pointing to the Evil Queen. "Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie..." She said while pointing to Jafar. "Revenge on every single Dalmatian that escaped your clutches..." She said while pointing at Cruella.

Cruella did this laugh that made her look insane and said, "Oh, but they didn't get the baby. They didn't get the baby!" While playing with her squeaky stuffed Dalmatian.

"And I, Maleficent, the evilest of them all. I will finally have my revenge on sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince." She finished her speech.

Hey guys, I am really sorry about not updating in a long time is that I have been really busy. But I will try to post every two weeks or when I have the time. Thanks for being patient. And if you guys want to get to know me, just ask questions in the comments or indox me. I will try to start doing questions of the day so that I can get to know my readers. Oh, and also, thank you for reading and voting. It shows a lot.

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