Chapter 1~ First Proclamation

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Third Person P. O.V


While Prince Ben was getting his suit fitted for his coronation he kept glancing outside the window to the Isle of the Lost. King Beast and Queen Belle both entered the room.

"How is it possible that you are going to be crowned king next month?"King Beast said to his son. "You're just a baby!"

"He's turning sixteen, dear, "Queen Belle said smiling.

King Beast said "Sixteen? That's far too young to be crowned king. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least forty-two."

Queen Belle scoffed and said, "You decided to marry me at twenty-eight."

"Well, it was either you or a teapot," King Beast said smiling and winking at his son then saying "Kidding" making Prince Ben chuckle.

"Mom, Dad," Prince Ben said slowly. "I have chosen my first official proclamation." King Beast and Queen Belle both looked at each other and smiled.

Prince Ben took a deep breath and said " I have decided that the children of the Isle of the Lost should be given a chance to live here, in Auradon. "

Both the King and the Queen were extremely shocked by what their son had said. Queen Belle dropped the coat she was holding.

Prince Ben pointed out the window with a look of determination on his face and said "Every time I look out the window to the island, I feel like they've been abandoned!"

"The children of our sworn enemies living among us?"King Beast said.

"We start out with a few at first, just the ones that need our help... I have already chosen them" Prince Ben answered.

"Have you?" King Beast said looking at his son. Queen Belle stepped in and rested her hand on her husband's arm and reminded him "I gave you a second chance." The Queen turned to her son and asked " Who are their parents?"

"Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen... and Maleficent." Prince Ben said.

King Beast angrily said "MALEFICENT. ..she is the worst villain in the land!"

Prince Ben said, " Dad, just hear me out here!"

King Beast responded "I won't hear of it. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes!"

Prince Ben was determined to let the kids of the Isle of the Lost into Auradon that he said "But their children are innocent...Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?"

"Dad," Prince Ben said hopefully.

King Beast looked at his wife then at his son and said. "I suppose their children are innocent." And walked away only to stop and wait for his wife.

Queen Belle went up to her son and fixed his suit while saying "Well done" She smiled at her son and walked up to her husband and they walked out together.



Hey, I hope you are liking my story so far I know that in the movie is Ben and Mal but in this is going to be Ben and Melanie. If you are liking this story please follow me.

(A/N #2) 

Hi, I am so sorry for taking forever to update! I had honestly given up on this story and I recently found my drafts for this story and decided why not! So I am going over these old chapters to fix anything. But once again I am so sorry. 

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