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Melanie's P.O.V

Hey, my name is Melanie some people call me Mel those who call me Mel are my friends Evie, Jay, Carlos, and my sister Mal. Mal and I are fraternal twins I'm older by ten minutes and our mother is Maleficent. Mal and I may not look identical but we are so similar we get along so well. We both have a lot of similarities like our hair is purple but my hair is longer, and our green eyes. The only differences between Mal and I would be the way we look obviously and the way we dress. Mal dresses in a lot of jeans, shirts, and leather jackets that consist of the colors green, purple, and black. I do too because those are our mother's colors. But sometimes I would wear different colors. I consider myself in the middle of being a girly girl and a tomboy. I might be a girly girl but not like Evie I'm like in the middle of Evie and Mal... well a little more to Mal's side. Don't get me wrong I wear dresses but not all the time. Mal and I act like almost every other sister we don't do much fighting so that's good, we do each other's nails... just because we are villains does not mean we are not supposed to do that. We both want to be like our mother, We both love each other and would do anything to protect each other from anything.



I thought it would be good to introduce Melanie a little bit more. I would have posted this earlier but I was sick and still kinda am. Hope you like it.

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