Pretty Eyes [Shachi]

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"Oi! Psst, hey boys! Who wants to do a pantry raid~?" You hissed out in a harsh whisper.

The room you poked your head into was empty aside from Shachi and Penguin playing cards on the floor. Both of them perked up at the sound of your voice and turned their heads towards you with great speed... but for entirely different reasons.

"Pantry raid?" Shachi questioned, already excited for snacks.

"Panty raid?!" Penguin questioned at the exact same time, mishearing your words.

"WHAT?!" You and Shachi then shouted in unison, immediately losing it with laughter upon realizing what your foolish crewmate had just said.

"Pantry Penguin, pantry!" You repeated through your laughter, shaking your head. "I'm not gonna raid my own underwear drawer or Ikkaku's. You got a death-by-wok wish??"

"Hell no." Penguin shuddered, already imagining the horror of carbon steel kissing his precious cheeks.

"Exactly. Now let me try that again, hey? Wanna go on a snack raid guys?" You repeated. "I know Law brought in some really nice sweets recently, he's just not telling anyone what they are or where they are."

"Wait, so how do you know?" Shachi questioned.

"I have my ways~" You said with a wink. "So, are you boys coming or not? Bepo will surely sniff them out first if we don't move now."

"Well shit- you don't gotta ask me twice!" Penguin finally agreed, getting up from the floor quite quickly.

Oh his way up, he gave Shachi a little smack upside the head, snapping him out of the slight daze he was in. Caught up with staring at you, the smack righted him and he leapt up as well, following behind his comrade. Who knew a wink could be so entrancing?

"I'm comin! Jeez Peng, don't be an ass cause you need to be told three times instead of two." Shachi retorted, which earned a giggle from you that had his hidden eyes locking onto you once more.

"He's got a point, Penguin~. Now c'mon!"

You sauntered out of the room they were in, not bothering to wait for them any longer. Shachi was still staring, so as Penguin passed him, he knocked shoulders with his buddy and muttered the word 'simp' under his breath with a chuckle to follow. Shachi responded in turn with a quiet little 'shut the fuck up ass' strung together in one quick sequence of words under his breath, pushing his shades further up the bridge of his nose and pulling down his hat a little.

The boys eventually caught up to you, and you could hear them smacking each other and bickering behind you while they tried to trip each other up. This made you snort, turning around to catch them in the act with a raised brow. Both of them straightened out as you watched them while walking backwards, your arms crossed with a grin plastered on your face.

"Now what's got you boys bickering at each other hey? Any louder and Law will surely find out what we're up to!" You scolded.

"He started it." Penguin spoke flatly, pointing at Shachi as if he were a child.

"The HELL I did-!"

"Shhh!" You shushed, stepping forward to cover his mouth. "Man, you're really letting him get to ya huh? Oi Penguin, leave poor Shachi alone! Bullying him is my job, m'kay?"

When you took your hand off of Shachi's mouth he tried to protest, but the wink you shot him shut him right up again. Your eyes scanned his face, and while you couldn't see his eyes to get a read on him, you could see his blush, and giggled as you turned back around to open the door to the kitchen. Penguin snuck in one more eyebrow wiggle at Shachi before he dashed into the kitchen after you, leaving his poor buddy in the dust. His own dust... of pink. Was he gonna let that stop him from getting those snacks though? Absolutely not.

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