Head Scratches [Penguin]

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For once, it was a quiet evening on the Polar Tang, the sound of gentle waves lapping against the side of the sub being the only noise to disturb the silence. Everyone had wound down for the evening, deciding to take things easy for once; even Law taking the time to relax for himself. You had decided to spend your free quiet time out on the deck to watch the sunset, ever grateful that the Tang had surfaced for you to do so. It wasn't often you got to indulge in the open waters when so much of your travel time was spent under the waves you admired so much.

As much as you were loving the view before you and all the beauty of pink and oranges mingling in the sky, you then had a thought that this would be infinitely better if you were to share this moment with your love: Penguin. You adored spending simple little moments such as this together, so you hopped up from your spot without thinking on it further and abandoned the sunset, marching off to go and find your love. There weren't many places he would choose to be in to relax, so you hoped he kept it simple and opted to wind down in his room today. When you got down there and gently pushed on his door, you found yourself to be correct, and he was in fact in his room. You had to stop yourself and move a lot quieter though once you fully registered the scene before you, not wanting to disturb him just yet.

Penguin was napping atop his bed, a perfect ring of light falling across his sleeping form in through his porthole window. He looked so peaceful, and you wanted to take in as much of this rare sight as you could while you still had the chance to do so. He only wore a t-shirt and boxers, clutching a pillow half sideways with his head buried in it, cheeks smushed into the flap of his hat that he never even bothered to take off. Slow breaths slipped past his lips, matching the gentle rise and fall of his back. After a moment of gazing at him, you quietly shuffled over to his bed and sat down next to him, resting a hand on his shoulder. You gave him a little shake, but he didn't even budge, his breaths remaining steady. He was out cold.

"Tsk, you're such a heavy sleeper, hun." You mumbled to yourself fondly.

It was odd, but funny how he slept with his hat still on, and you wondered if it got uncomfortable at all with how warm he already felt sleeping here in the ray of sun. Tentatively, you reached out and slipped your hand up under his hat and laced your fingers through his hair, gently scratching his scalp where you could with how he slept. This made him stir a bit, letting out a soft moan while his muscles flexed with waking movements. He let out a long and deep breath, turning his head a little to look up at you with tired eyes, sighing and humming with a soft smile to match yours.

"Mmmnh... G'mornin'." Penguin groaned, squeezing the pillow he held a little tighter.

"It's eight at night, silly." You giggled.

"Oh shit. I... wow, I napped way too long." He sighed, truly surprised by the time that it was. "Did you need somethin' hun?"

"Oh, I was just going to see if you wanted to come up and watch the sunset with me, but you were out cold up until now. It's just so beautiful out tonight, and I wanted to share that moment with you." You mused, shooting a glance out his window.

"Mmm... Yeah, it is beautiful tonight." He agreed with a soft voice.

You looked back, expecting to see him also looking out his window with you at the gorgeous orange and golden glow. Instead, you found him to be gazing at you instead with half lidded eyes, his head propped up on one hand so he could better look at you. When you made eye contact, he poked his tongue out at you a little, so you gently smacked his shoulder and mumbled for him to shush as you turned away. Your poorly hidden smile meant everything to him, and he reached for your swatting hand with his other, lacing his fingers between yours to stop you in your tracks. This made you look back at him, and your expression softened this time.

"Hey, I know you want to go back out there but... could I ask you to stay here instead and give... give me more head scratches?" He requested of you in a soft voice.

You laughed a little, finding his request adorable. "Of course, hun. I can do that."

Without further, questioning, you gently unlinked your fingers from his before climbing into his bed behind him, tapping his shoulder to get him to turn around a little. You patted your chest one you were comfortable, and he got the hint right away, moving to lie down atop your chest and cuddle you much like he was the pillow he held moments ago. With him now in your arms, you were able to easily slip one of your hands back up under his hand and resume your little massage. You briefly caught his eyes rolling back before he sunk into you, groaning with satisfaction.

"Hey Peng, can I take off your hat? It'll be easier for head scratches." You asked, slowing your pace a little. "You'll have to lift your head if that's a yes. You're lying on your ear flap again~"

"Mmhmm, go ahead babe." Penguin hummed, lifting his head from your chest.

Gently, you slid his hat off and placed it on his bed next to you, revealing his half lidded eyes and adorably sleepy expression. He just looked so tired and cute, and you couldn't help the little hum of adoration that slipped out of you while you looked at him; soft and warm in the evening flow that shone in through his window.

"Oh... You're right hun. The view in here is much prettier." You giggled, raising a hand to cup his cheek.

He sputtered out some laughter, leaning into your hand as he too took on a lovesick expression. Penguin mumbled something about how you were such a cheesy fool, but before you could comment something back, he leaned forwards and captured your lips in a warm, loving kiss. It was so deep and filled with affection you could've burst and you wouldn't have minded one bit. Nipping at his lips, you drew him in further, lost in the moment of bliss with him. Absently, your hand travelled back again, creeping up into his hair to massage his scalp. This time though, you didn't quite expect it to disable him in such a way.

He let out a soft, low groan, humming against your lips. He had to lift himself a little so he could completely let go, dropping down into the crook of your neck, still humming happily as he nuzzled into you. A breathy chuckle escaped you when he squeezed you a little tighter, enchanted by how damn adorable he was.

"Mmnh, I'm in heaven..." He mumbled. "I love you so much."

"Heh, I love you too, silly." You hummed, continuing to give him gentle head scratches while he stayed snuggled up, occasionally kissing your neck sweetly.

He was just a sucker for you.

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