Sun Kissed Dewdrop [Penguin]

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It didn't matter how old you were, or how long you had been doing them; chores sucked ass. They had to be done every damn day, and today was no different, except you had been assigned what you deemed to be the shittiest chore possible: cleaning the deck. It always got so grimey, and you hated to be out in the blazing sun so long. What made it worse was you were stuck doing it alone. How lovely.

"Just fuckin' great. Thanks Law." You muttered to yourself.

Still grumbling, you dragged out the cleaning supplies and lugged it up to the deck before dropping it with an exasperated sigh. You stared daggers at the push broom, already feeling the strength of the heat on your back. This was going to suck. Despite your unwillingness, you pressed on, scrubbing down the railings and deck of sea foam, fish guts, and anything else that had decided to get stuck to the wood over the last few days of above water travels. It didn't take long for you to start hating it though, and your grievances fell on deaf ears as you bitched on... or so you thought.

"Fuckin' stupid chores. Hate this shit. Man- is that a tentacle?? Gross. Ugh." You grumbled, complaining to yourself as you scrubbed the railings.

"Man, you really hate doing the deck huh?"

"Who the fuck is there?!" You yelled, nearly startled out of your jumpsuit as you whipped around to see Penguin standing behind you, leaning on a broom.

"Just me~" He chuckled.

"God, don't scare me like that!" You sighed, leaning forward on the railing as you tried to calm your rapid heart rate. "Okay, better question: what are you doing up here?"

"Ah! Well, I saw you were stuck cleaning alone, and I know how much you hate doing the deck- or, at least I thought I did. Your hatred runs quite deep I am now seeing~. But, I thought I'd come and offer my help. Is that alright?" He asked nonchalantly.

"... You're a fucking saviour, you know that right?" You said, groaning a bit as you looked at him on the verge of tears. "A damn hero."

Penguin couldn't help but laugh, pushing off of the broom he held to get closer to you. He nudged you and helped you stand up straight again, shooting you one of the sweetest smiles you've sworn to ever see.

"C'mon, you don't have to suffer alone anymore." He said.

You nodded, happy to not be left alone out in the blazing sun anymore. The task at hand now seemed a little more doable, and you were a lot more willing to do it now. Amazing what happens when you have the chance to be alone with the one you heart played favourites with.

"Seriously, you are the best." You said one more time out of gratitude before you jumped down to the lower deck to get started, hiding your giddy smile.

"Tsk... cute." Penguin mumbled to himself before he too set off to start cleaning on the other side.

The job that was originally so daunting to you now went much faster. You and Penguin working together at a steady pace were able to get through the worst of it and meet in the middle, finishing up and climbing to the upper deck to do the same. It only took a couple of hours for you to get everything cleaned and polished instead of the four or five it would've taken you if you were still left to do this alone. Penguin really was your saving grace, and you glanced over at him as you both leaned back against the railing to catch your breath and cool off. He shook the fabric of his jumpsuit to try and get some air to circulate while you wiped off your sweat slicked brow.

"Thank you. Seriously, thank you." You repeated.

"Yeah no that... definitely sucks. I'm glad I didn't let you do it alone." Penguin said, looking back at you.

Shachi & Penguin 🐋 One Shots 🐧Where stories live. Discover now