What're You Lookin' At? [Shachi]

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The days had suddenly gotten sweltering and hot, temperatures rising high when the Polar Tang surfaced to prepare to dock at a secluded island. Most had gone up above deck to chuck it out and soak up the sun, but not everyone was ready to take on a sudden heat wave. Some could take it, some most certainly could not, boiler suits being stripped off left and right, or at least tied at the hips to grant mild relief from the heat. Bepo had it the worst, suffering the most as he lay face down on the deck, waiting for his chance to throw himself into the cool waters at the shore. You yourself couldn't wait for a little beach break, keeping cool inside while you changed your clothes underneath your boiler suit waiting for the sub to stop.

When you felt the familiar lurch of coming to a stop, you practically bounded up to the deck, excited to get your brief little vacation started. Up top Bepo was still practically melting, and Shachi and Penguin were also suffering alongside the bear, leaned up against him with their boiler suits half open. You approached them with yours still fully done up, which earned some funny looks from them when they looked up at you in question.

"You guys look like you're dying." You commented.

"Because we are. It's sooo hot!" Penguin complained.

"Too hot!" Bepo agreed.

"How are you wearing that in this heat, babe?" Shachi asked.

"Hmm? Oh hun, I won't be for long. The cool waters of the beach are calling to me to cool off~" You hummed.

Stepping up to the edge, you began to slowly undo your boiler suit and shimmy it off, revealing the pretty yellow bikini you wee wearing. Shachi's eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the sight of you, sitting up straight now to watch that boiler suit of yours pool at your ankles. Reaching down, you pulled a black sarong out of one of your pockets, the bottom of it patterned with yellow dots much like Law's winter jacket. Tying it off at your hips. you kicked away your uniform and looked back down at Shachi, nearly choking on the laugh that you let out.

"Shachi, you've got one hell of a nose bleed." You giggled, amused by how red he was. "Don't pass out on us here!"

Shachi was embarrassed as all hell, fumbling with his sleeve to dab up the excess of blood that flowed from his nose. Penguin elbowed him hard, snickering at his buddy for having a little nose bleed episode. Shachi retaliated back with a smack, telling him to shut it once he had the flow under control. Before Shachi could say anything to you though, you had leapt over the railing and down to the beach below where some of the crew were already enjoying the cool waves.

"You were gawking at her so hard~" Penguin cooed, nudging Shachi again.

"You can make fun of me all you want but that fine ass is my fine ass. and I'm gonna go after it." Shachi huffed, getting up faster that he ever has before.

Dashing inside, Shachi took your discarded uniform with him and put it away with his, changing into swim shorts and abandoning his hat on his bed. Now with proper attire to go after you, he ran back out on deck and threw himself over the railing as well and down into the shallow waters below where the others had gone when he left.

Shachi scanned the beach in search of you, looking over the edge of his sunglasses. There was no way you could've gone far. Law relaxed in a chair, most had taken to the sand, and a couple were already cooking stuff up over a fire, and then there was you amongst a few, splashing around in the shallow waters. With you now in his sights, he ran over to join you; or rather, to steal you away. He wouldn't need to though. Most knew that you two would often start to fool around, and they knew when it was a good time to leave.

"There ya are! I found... you... wow." Shachi trailed off, still very much captivated by how beautiful you looked among glittering waves under the harsh afternoon sun.

You stopped what you were doing and looked over at him, a big grin on your face. "Hey! What're you lookin' at~?" You teased.

Your voice snapped him out of it, and he remembered his goal. "I'm lookin' at you!" He yelled shamelessly, throwing himself at you.

The small crowd split, and you took off running while Shachi chased you down. You didn't get very far before your beloved boyfriend had an arm snaked around your waist, dragging you back into him. Of course you put up a bit of a fight, so the two of you ended up toppling over into the shallow waters; Shachi on top of you, straddling your hips with tilted sunglasses revealing the mischievous look in his eyes. He had to pause again, stunned by your beauty as the water rippled around you with every breath you took.

"Gotcha~" Shachi hummed, leaning down over top of you.

"S-Shachi, the crew is staring..." You mumbled, feeling your skin heat up from more than just the sun as you looked off to the side.

"Heh... cute." He chuckled. "Alright, I'll take you away from prying eyes then~"

Shachi scooped you up out of the water bridal style which earned a yelp of surprise from you. Some of the others snickered as you were carried off, finding the way that you interacted absolutely adorable. Jogging up onto the beach, he then carried you off a little ways away and onto a mossy spot under some palm trees. He let you down there, but did not let you go, his hands still latched to your hips when your feet touched the ground. His thumbs affectionately traced along the ties of your bottoms to your hip bones, where the then pressed his thumb into your hip a little harder. When you leapt forward with a cute little yelp, he stole a deep and affectionate kiss from you, soon kissing down from your sweet lips to your sensitive neck where he nibbled affectionately, earning more giggles from you.

"So, can I look at you now?" He asked between kisses.

"Yes, yes! You can look!" You caved, nudging him a little to encourage him to do so. "Have you really never seen me in a swimsuit though? Your reactions are intense."

"I have never seen you in your swimsuit." Shachi said firmly. "Which is a crime to have hidden such a wonderful look from me! Depriving me of your beauty. Hmmph."

"A-ah, that explains a lot then." You laughed, flustered by his compliments.

"I can't help it. You're stunning, sexy, gorgeous; all of it. I'm the luckiest man on the sea~" He grinned, sneaking in one more kiss. "You wear the colour yellow far better than Law does. Don't tell him I said that though."


"What~? You can't tell me I'm wrong. I'm always lookin' at you. You're stunning, babe; and the day I don't remind you of that is the day I'm already dead." Shachi told you dramatically. "I love you, and you're gorgeous. Don't you ever forget that."

"M-mmhmm, whatever you say babe." You mumbled, averting your eyes again. "I love you too... dork."

"See, it's this adorable shyness that makes you even cuter! If I keep showering you with compliments, you'll look this cute forever, right~?" He joked, nudging his nose into your cheek where he would then leave kiss after kiss.

"Can you keep that up forever though?" You asked him between giggles.

He stopped his nuzzling and kisses to look down at you properly over the edge of his sunglasses, a sweet little smile breaking out on his face. Resting his forehead against yours, he let out a long, content sigh, ensuring that the hold he had on your waist was firm yet gentle.

"Until I draw my very last breath."

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