Consequences [Penguin]

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You had a mighty craving for a specific type of fish right now; so mighty in fact that you have spent the last thirty minutes chattering away at Law, trying to convince him to hunt it down and bring it inside for you. So far you were unsuccessful, proven by furrowed brows that only scrunched up more while you followed him around. He wandered all the way to the control room, paying you no mind while he muttered something to Hakugan. The sub lurched after he spoke, and losing your balance silenced you a moment long enough for him to get a word in.

"You want that fish so bad? Go fish it up yourself." He said smugly, a little smirk of satisfaction on his face when he watched the irritation shift from his expression to yours.

"Wha- No?? Just use your dumb 'room' thing and bring one inside!" You argued, shocked by how he chose to handle the situation.

"If it's so 'dumb' then you don't really need it now do you?" He chuckled, completely unbothered. "Look, I've got Hakugan surfacing for you. Take a crack at it. If you want it that badly, you'd get it, right?"

He was antagonizing you on purpose; you knew it, and you hated it because despite knowing what he was doing, you still gave in to the taunting.

"Fine. I'll go fuckin' fish for it. Ass." You grumbled, flipping him off while you grabbed a pipe to stabilize yourself during the rough breach of the surface.

You could tell he was still smirking even as you walked away from him once the sub had settled. You 'lost' to his taunts once again, but you'd be damned if you didn't at least try one other way to get what you wanted. You stomped away with furrowed brows, digging out a fishing rod and continuing to stomp your way up to spend your time doing exactly as he suggested and fish up your craving yourself.

There was a whole lot of mumbling and grumbling coming from you while you set yourself at the edge of the deck, baiting your hook and casting it off the side with a large frown. He just had to make you do it the hard way instead of helping you out. Though frustrated, you were determined, and sat still while you gave the line a little tug here and there to entice something to bite. Sadly, the hook went untouched for quite some time, and you had grown annoyed. In fact, you were out there so long that Penguin had come up to see what you were doing, ask why you've been gone so long, and see if it had anything to do with why the sub surfaced so suddenly.

He had all three of those questions answered without even having to ask them the moment he stepped outside, and worked on holding back a chuckle instead. You sat there with such a pouty frown, flicking the line with your bottom lip stuck you in an way he simply found adorable. Though he could not hide his smile, he had held back any laughter and walked up to you, squatting down behind you and placing his chin on your shoulder.

"What're you doing out here hun?" Penguin asked you, kissing your jaw gently.

"Tryna get this stupid fuckin' fish I've been asking for." You muttered in response, still pretty peeved about the lack of bites.

"The one you've been bugging Law about all morning?" He asked, and you nodded in response. "Ah, so that's why the sub surfaced."

"Yup. Fucker told me to catch it myself."

"And you listened?" He chuckled, catching a sharp glance from you. "How's that going for ya?"

"I've got fuck all in the last hour." You grumbled.

He let a chuckle slip, sitting himself down on the deck to properly wrap his arms around your middle and hug you tightly from behind.

"Have you considered that your poor luck so far, may be a sign for you to give up on your craving?" He offered. "You're just getting more hungry at this rate."

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