Like A Dream [Shachi] 18+

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You had a unique little secret about yourself; one only Law knew about, and you didn't talk much about it beyond mentioning you had a devil fruit ability that wasn't super practical. No one pressed you for any info on it, which you were ever grateful for. Over time though you just couldn't help but let that ability of yours slip from time to time; the ability to read dreams. Your curiosity always got the better of you, especially considering your crewmate Shachi kept drawing your attention and intrigue.

He was acting weird around you for the past couple of days, almost avoiding you it seemed, and only around when he had just finished a nap. This hurt you a little because you were so close with him— hell, you loved him —so when he'd quickly change direction almost hiding himself, you were reasonably upset. You almost felt bad for even thinking of it, but something was up, and you had an itch to read some dreams. You figured that might yield something to you to figure out why he had gotten so shy lately.

You read him three separate times when he took his usual nap each day, and three times was all you needed. The first time, you found out he had a massive crush on you, and you had to hold back a squeal of adoration from finding out such good news. The second time you caught him napping, you saw him kissing you, and you had to dash away to try and hide the hot blush you felt rise on your cheeks. The third time though... Oh, the third time he made love to you, and you were blushing worse than a drunken sailor as you watched it all, your cheeks still very red even after he had woken up. Now you knew why he was hiding from you after his naps, and you were damn well gonna tease him about it. You had to. He seemed close to caving, and you wanted him to, your own feelings acknowledged in what you had found out.

A couple hours after his last nap with his most explicit dream, you decided to confront him now that you had collected yourself. With a little smirk, you knocked on his door before pushing your way inside to see him doing some simple chores, alerted by your presence.

"Sup!" You greeted. noticing the little jump he did.

"Yo! Nothing really, just cleaning after a nap." He replied.

"A nap you say, hey?" You hummed, grateful for the easy transition. "Did you dream at all?"

He looked over at you and shook his head. "Mm-mm. No dreams lately." He answered before turning back to kick his laundry basket into a corner.

"You sure about that~?" You pressed, walking a little closer.

He seemed confused, raising a brow as he stopped to look at you better. Why were you doubting him. He figured you had no reason to, so he thought his tone was perfect to pass off his lie, but...

"Cause I think it's kinda cute that you have a crush on me~. You've got an active imagination." You chuckled, revealing your secret. "I live rent free up there huh~"

His jaw dropped, unable to deny it in his shock. A vivid pink rose up his neck and to his cheeks, standing there totally frozen before he was able to swallow and stutter out something back to you.

"H-how did you- can you read dreams?!" He sputtered, taking a guess right away.

"Oops, ya got me~ That's been my secret all along~!" You giggled, taking a couple steps back. "That's my sign to go- eep!"

Shachi didn't even give you half a second more to try and leave, moving so quickly you almost didn't realize that he had you pinned up against the door. The distinct sound of the door locking could be heard before both hands were pressed against the steel on either side of your head. you could see the glint in his eyes, and he seemingly radiated with embarrassment; maybe something else too has he kept you from going anywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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