Not Jealous [Shachi & Penguin]

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 ⚠️ Weed usage ⚠️

They promised they would hang with you, but you couldn't find either of the dorks anywhere. With a promised smoke sesh in your plans, and a container of cookies in your hands, you stomped back inside the Polar Tang, hoping that someone else will have seen the fools. Luckily, you ran into Law on your way in, and he always knew where everyone was.

"Oi! Law, have you seen Shachi or Penguin anywhere? I thought they'd be outside, but apparently not." You asked, jogging up to him.

"I haven't seen em, but I've smelt em. I'm surprised you're not already with them by now." Law chuckled, turning to speak with you.

"Wait... smelt??"

"The further you go down that hall, the more it'll reel like marijuana. Shouldn't be that hard to find out what room they're in." Law explained, pointing down one of the corridors.

"You mean they started without me??" You exclaimed, thoroughly upset. "Ooo, those little shits."

"If you're quick enough, maybe they won't have smoked too much and there will be a joint left for you." He snickered.

You stuck your tongue out at him, to which he pulled down an eyelid and stuck his own tongue out right back at you. With new information acquired, you took off down the hall with that box of goodies in hand, hoping that there was still some substance left for you.

As you went, you found that Law was not kidding when he said you would know when you were close, the distinct smell of weed becoming more and more noticeable the further down you went. It really wasn't hard at all to figure out what room they were hiding in, smoke seeping out from through the little crack that the door was left open. With a grumpy expression freshly affixed to your face, you shoved the door open with your shoulder to reveal the boys sitting on the floor, backs leaned against the couch on the far wall while passing a joint between each other. They both froze mid pass, slowly looking over to where you stood, the half smoked joint remaining between Shachi's fingers hovering between their heads.

"Wow. I can't believe you two started without me." You scoffed, letting the weighty door slam behind you. "You guys are mean."

"S-shoot! S-sorry, Shachi sparked up first, and I couldn't help myself, and now you're here!" Penguin explained in a rush.

"Oi, way to throw me under the bus!" Shachi complained, placing the joint in the nearby ashtray on the floor.

"Tsk, to think I brought snacks for us and everything too." You said with a huff, shaking the box of cookies in your hands a bit.

With the knowledge that there were now snacks on the line, their tune changed almost instantly as they focused on assuring you they hadn't been smoking that long and you didn't miss much. They really hadn't been, they just take massive hits; that's all.

"Hey, hey, we're sorry! I promise we only had a couple of puffs. C'mere, there's a full bowl here for you to hit with this bong/ C'mon!" Shachi called out to you, his voice extra sweet.

Shachi held out the bong in question to you with the freshly packed bowl while Penguin patted the floor in front of them, insisting you come and join right away. They might have started without you, but they were adorable when they were attempting to make it up to you so quickly; and damn did it ever work well on you. These boys were your personal weakness.

"Tsk, alright. You two are lucky you're adorable." You mumbled, hoping they would miss that last bit as you came over and sat down with them.

"Hmm? What was that~?" Shachi asked.

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