Night Watch [Shachi] 18+

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Dreams did not come to you very often, but lately, the damn things would not stop plaguing your mind. They were no dreams of innocence either. Every dream you've had for the past week have been naughty in nature, all of them centering on your love: Shachi. They were all so explicit, waking you in the dead of night filled with intense desires and a heartbeat so strong that you could feel it between your legs. Frustration was the next thing that filled you, because you were far too shy to bring it up with him, or to even relieve yourself. Instead, you let your mind wander, groans of frustration being muted by your pillow until a dreamless sleep would finally bring you temporary relief.

That entire week you argued with yourself on whether or not you should say something to him to help yourself out. You really did want him to touch you the way he was in your dreams; he was your boyfriend so of course but... Every time you thought of asking him to get handsy with you, the mere thought embarrassed you enough to never actually say anything to him at all. You didn't want to come off too direct or too strongly to him and deter him, but the more days that went by with these dreams, the stronger your desires for him grew; and oh, were they ever strong.

One night, that desire of yours was just too intense. Hell, you weren't even aware that you had the capacity for such a strong feeling, yet here you were, shot upright in your bed drenched in sweat, your mind fresh with the vivid scene of Shachi's hands all over your body. That same feeling throbbed between your legs again, and you let out a long sigh that gradually became a whine filled with sexual frustration. You couldn't take it any longer; you had to take care of yourself.

"Stupid dream... fuck, dammit Shachi." You muttered, reaching down between your legs. "Why do you have to be so damn intoxicating."

You only wore a loose fitting t-shirt and a pair of panties, so it wasn't hard to get started with masturbating. Shielded by your blanket, you began to gently touch yourself as you focused on bringing back that image of Shachi in your mind and the way that he too was gently touching you. Soft circles, long teasing strokes; all of it flooded back to you as you sank back into your pillows, panting softly as your legs slowly spread. The panting turned to soft moans as the minutes passed, having slipped your fingers under the fabric of your panties that you had pulled tight to circle your clit. You were already so wet, the image of Shachi so strong in your mind that your hands hardly felt like your own, your fingers gliding thought you slick folds as you teased your clit to the edge.

"Mmmnh... S-Shachi..." you murmured softly, quickening your pace. "Fuck."

You were so close, but your climax was interrupted before you could reach it. Just when you were about to cum, Shachi's voice could be heard from the hall, and he was damn close to your room. He was on night watch, and sounded like he was getting closer, his voice filled with a bit of concern. He must've heard you. Panic flooded your body instantly when you heard your bedroom door creak, pulling the blankets up and turning away to hide your face and pretend to sleep. Sure enough a little sliver of light spilled across your room, a bit of his shadow visible in the shred of light. He lingered for a moment, watching you cautiously before you heard him mumble about how he must've been hearing things before he finally left. The problem though was that he didn't fully close your door when he left, leaving it open just a crack. That was a huge problem, because now your room was even less soundproof than it already was. With how close you were to cumming before, this frustrated the hell out of you even more.

"Dammit. Ugh, why'd you have to leave the damn door open Shachi..." You muttered in defeat, too shy to keep masturbating in fear that you might be heard.

Knowing that he was nearby and on night watch made you far too nervous to try again, so you tried your best to go back to sleep and forget what you were doing. You just.... Couldn't do it though. It was impossible. Every time he would pass by your door in the hall, the sound of his voice would snap you back awake and desire would slowly start to build again. You tried many times, but after thirty minutes, you couldn't hold out any longer; you were just too damn horny.

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