Sapphires [Penguin]

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Boys were so dirty sometimes. Penguin was your point of reference in this specific case, this fool of the hour managing to become the messiest one on the sub today. Somehow, somewhere, he had gotten covered in oil and grease. That was fine and all usually, but what wasn't fine was how he was putting up a fight against you in giving up any of his clothes to be washed. You were the one on laundry duty, so you decided to fight back with zero hesitation all cramped up in the laundry room together.

You had already wrestled him halfway out of his boiler suit that was covered in greasy splotches, yanking it down to his hips before he slipped away again. He was being a little shit, and clearly getting a kick out of you chasing him around; you could tell by that damn cute grin on his face. You almost hated to admit to yourself that you were definitely enjoying yourself a little too. Chasing your crush around in any context was fun.

"Penguin get back here dammit! you stink!" You huffed, stomping after him as he practically danced around the laundry room to evade you.

"But this is my favourite boiler suit! You can't just take it from me; these stains are badges of honour!" He said confidently, always just barely evading your grasp.

"They're all the same! They're all white; or they're all supposed to be white. Let me wash your damn clothes, stinky." You demanded, reaching out towards him one more time.


"Tsk, you're such a- ... Did you get a grease stain on your hat too??" You scolded. "That gets washed too. C'mon, off with it!"

"Nu-uh. How'd you even see those stains??" He said in disbelief.

"You act like I don't see you every day." You scoffed.

"Sooo are you admitting to staring at me in your free time?" He hummed teasingly.

"You-! Shush!!" You huffed, quite flustered as you took one big step forward and grabbed one of the ear flaps of his hat, yanking it off.

He didn't quite expect you to successfully grab and remove his hat; to be entirely fair, he was a tad bit caught up in how cute you looked when you were irritated with him. His cheeks tinted pink, realizing you had your prize; but it was a prize you never knew you wanted until now.

You had just realized that you've never seen Penguin with his signature hat on. In the moment you were just happy to have snatched off at least one dirty article of clothing from him, but then it clicked that you were really holding his hat, and your vision darted up to his face where you locked eyes with him. His eyes; an intense deep blue that reminded you of ice and gemstone. You'd never seen his eyes before, and didn't expect his gaze to be so alluring. They were like...

"... Sapphires. Wow... Your eyes are like sapphires." You mumbled, unaware you had even let that slip for a moment.

"Did you... not know they were blue?" He replied with a chuckle, snapping you out of it.

You made a noise of frustration and threw his hat back at him, turning away with a pout. "You never take that damn thing off. No, I never knew. Didn't know you looked so damn cute either; fuckin' hiding all that from me."

"You think I'm cute??" He perked up.

The tables turned quite quickly, and he was no longer the one being chased. He disregarded his hat after your comment, tossing it aside to go after you while you bashfully backed away from him. You remained silent, head turned away from him, the only noise you made being a small yelp when you tripped over a pile of towels you didn't see, stumbling backwards and down into an even larger pile of boiler suits. Penguin laughed and crouched down in front of you where you fell, the silliest smile on his face.

"Look at me and tell me I'm cute again and maybe I'll stop buggin' ya~. Unless I'm not cute but... I won't believe that for a second unless you can look me in the eyes and tell me so." He teased.

You were gonna keep ignoring him, but he reached out and gently turned your head back towards him, refusing to let this one slide. You immediately got lost in the glittering beauties that his irises were, letting out a half groan half sigh, unable to lie and when your chin felt so at home in his soft palm.

"Mmm, you're so fucking cute, and it's not fair. Those eyes of yours could get you anything you wanted." You muttered, shifting your eyes to the laundry on the floor before back to him.

"Anything, hey?"

He seemed to have an idea of what he wanted after hearing your words, and he crawled closer, much closer; close enough he could nearly hear your heartbeat and feel the nervous tension.

"What if I wanted you? Could these sapphires of mine win you over~?" He then asked you boldly.

You froze in disbelief, not quite expecting that. In fact, it caught you so off guard that you thought he was fucking with you.

"W-why would you want me though?" You questioned in return.

That glitter in his eyes dulled for a moment, but gradually came back as he gently swiped his thumb over your cheek, speaking in a tone that no longer intended to tease.

"Why wouldn't I? You're always here for me, and you're also the only one who's ever told me my eyes look like sapphires. You're quite the gem yourself for that." He told you sweetly.

You were beyond flustered by this point and at a loss for words. This silly man crouched before you with your head in one of his hands, telling you all the things you've always wanted to hear.

"Do you want me too?" He asked, interrupting your thought process.

Before he started to develop any doubt, you nodded yes frantically, reaching out to grab his tank top and drag him down into the pile with you, crushing him in a hug. He made a strained noise of surprise that quickly turned into laughter, and he returned your hug with enthusiasm.

"Glad you do." He hummed. "Can I kiss you? Y'know, to seal the deal~?"

"Tsk, you're such a- mm!"

You were about to call him a dork, but he knew that, and knew it as a gesture of affection from you. So he cut you off with his lips pressed to yours, both of your faces hot enough to heat the entire laundry room up better than the dryer. At least, that's how it felt when he dropped his weight on you more, licked your bottom lip a little more, caressed your face a little more. He was cautious, but serious, and though your heart was racing you'd never felt more at ease, letting him press you into the pile of laundry with all his sweet and tender touches.

When you parted, you stared up at him in slight disbelief that he had really just done that; that his lips had just touched yours. But you were met with that damn adorable face of his, and those blue eyes you were so grateful to finally see. You almost got lost staring at him again, but he grounded you as always.

"You look cute when you're flustered." He told you with a chuckle.

"Mm, and you still stink."

"Yeah, you let a stinky man kiss you~" He teased again.

You lightly punched his arm, but had a smile the entire time. "Tsk, I love you... stinky."

"I love you too." He hummed, happy to finally say those words.

Shachi & Penguin 🐋 One Shots 🐧Where stories live. Discover now