Secrets and Crushes [Shachi] 18+

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You just wanted to smoke your fresh bud in peace, secretly, with no one to disturb you on your first peaceful smoke before it was shared. Unfortunately, Penguin caught a whiff of your fresh stash, and where he was otherwise chill he was now questioning you at every corner, deliberately crossing your path to try and get you to cave without him asking about it. He was a persistent one about it today, making it hard for you to slip away and enjoy the first puff yourself.

Now, he attempted to corner you in the kitchen and ask about what you were carrying around in your bag, but you saw him first this time and went a different direction in the sub, clutching your bag of weed goodies close. You told him your stash ran out three days ago, but it seemed he saw through your bullshit this time. He could have some later; you swear you just wanted to have a moment. Increasing your pace, you tried to think of which room he'd be less inclined to check, your rapid thought process being suddenly cut off by a door opening.

"You look like you're tryna hide. C'mere, he won't check right away cause he knows I'm napping!" Shachi called out to you in a harsh whisper.

Oh, you've never been so excited to see him. While you wanted a moment alone, Shachi was the exception to every condition for you. Unopposed to hiding in his room, you nodded and darted inside without a second thought, breathing heavily as you locked the door behind you. When you turned again, Shachi gave you a curious look; happy to help, but not entirely sure why you needed it.

"Sssoooo, why are you running from Penguin?" He asked, sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"... He knows I have fresh weed, but I just wanna enjoy it alone first." You huffed, clutching your bag containing said weed a little righter. "It's not that selfish to want the first sesh to be blissfully alone."

Shachi laughed, amused by your answer, yet not surprised in the slightest. "So... does that mean you don't have any to spare for your saviour~?"

He spoke in such a teasing tone, his sunglasses sliding down the bridge of his nose so he could shoot a playful gaze at you, those pretty eyes of his driving cupid's arrow right through your heart. He knew just how to bargain with you, but to be fair, he did just save your skin. He really was the only exception for you.

"Well, I didn't specifically say that..." You mumbled, averting your eyes while you pinched at the fabric of your tied off boiler suit.

"Soooo, you do then~?"

"As thanks for hiding me, yeah, I do." You nodded, finally looking at him with a grin.

He brightened up instantly, patting a spot on his bed next to him with an excited grin, waiting for you to come over and sit with him. You shook your head and laughed, taking a moment to pull a towel out of your bag and push it into the crack at the bottom of the door.

"You're so excited." You chuckled, finally going to him.

"Well why wouldn't I be? It's fun to mess with Penguin sometimes~" He laughed. "And I see you're prepared as ever as well. A towel??"

"Always. Now shush and pick a strain for me, hey?"

You opened your bag to him and let him sift through your options after you pulled out a small bong and a bottle of water to fill it. He was happy to do so, pulling something out and grinding it up for you without being asked, waiting for you to finish setting up with the filled grinder in hand. You laughed at him a little, finding the way in which he sat waiting for you to be a bit silly; what with his hands cupping the grinder like it were the most sacred object to have come into his possession. You take it from him and put the bowl in his hands instead so you could pack it, laser focused on your task.

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