Personal Space [Shachi]

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The waters were frigid; filled with chunks of ice that the cold steel sub swerved around. It was damn cold in the sub too, and to make things worse, the heating system was in the middle of being repaired. You were forced to endure the chill within the metal walls of the Polar Tang with nothing but a thick blanket and your willpower, hoping to whatever god would hear you out that the repairs would be done soon. Now you would have suggested surfacing to soak up some sun, but there was an entire fleet of Marines sailing right above the Tang, and surfacing would be a very stupid, stupid idea. So, you had to suffer alone with your chills, as no one else was seemingly affected by the drop in temperature. That, however, made you think twice, and reconsider suffering alone.

"If no one else seems to take issue with this popsicle of a sub... then I'm sure Shachi wouldn't mind if I stole his warmth~" You mumbled to yourself.

Having a boyfriend meant that it was practically criminal to not exploit him for his body heat. It was a necessity. So, with your blanket wrapped tightly around you, you made your way deeper into the sub to his room, hoping he would be there so he could be your little involuntary heater. At least, it'd start out that way at the most. That mas was a sap through and through, and would most likely be more than willing to share his warmth with you after a little convincing.

Sure enough, he was lounging on his bed doing nothing in particular at all; that is, until you startled the hell outta him when you threw his door open. With you standing menacingly in his door frame, he pulled down his sunglasses just enough to look over the top of them and get a better look at you. Hell, you looked so goofy standing the way you were, unmoving in his doorway, and the question of 'what' slipped out as he started to laugh at you.

"How are you not cold??" Was the first thing to leave your mouth, shuffling into his room and letting the door close.

"You seem to forget I'm most familiar with the frigid waters of the North Blue." He chuckled, sitting himself upright on his knees. "This is quite a comfortable temperature for me, honestly~"

"UGH!" You huffed, pulling your blanket a little tighter around you. "How can you be built like this while I freeze at the slightest breeze?!"

"Aw, poor thing can't handle a little chill~?" He teased.

"You-! Tsk, you know what? If you say it's not that cold, then I suppose you wouldn't mind sparing some of your body heat. C'mere fucker!" You roared.

"Wait wait- ah!! C-cold!"

You had rushed over to him, unzipped his jumpsuit, and fitted yourself inside of it with him all in the blink of an eye. Somehow, you slipped your shins in with his thighs, knelt down with him, and shimmied your arms around his torso until your shoulders could be covered by the open fabric. Damn were you ever glad these jumpsuits were fitted a little loose. Now snuggled up with your head rested on his chest, a chill ran through him, and goosebumps rose on his skin. He finally felt that chill you spoke of on your ice cold skin, and he shivered a little before he looked down at you to be met with your playful, innocent gaze.

"Personal space much??" He huffed, his arms held out to the side while you clutched him.

"Hmm, nah, never heard of it." You chuckled mischievously.

He sighed, finally wrapping his arms around you since he had a feeling you wouldn't be moving any time soon. "You're a menace. A frigid menace."

"See, I told you it's too damn cold in here." You remarked smartly before playfully biting down on his pec.

He yelped in surprise, turning pink from how flustered the action made him. Shachi then clamped his arms down around you a little tighter to give you a warning squeeze.

"O-oi! What do you think you're doin'?" He stammered.

"Enjoying my warm snack." You answered in a cheeky tone with a wide grin.

That quickly made him shift from pink to scarlet, and you could hear his heart rate pick up when you rested your head back against his chest again. You mumbled something about how that was cute of him, which only made his blush worse. He was always driven mad by you. That warranted at least a little payback, right?

"Y'know what? If you wanna be all up in my personal space and tease me, then you can have it." He huffed.

Shachi reached down and zipped up his jumpsuit again as much as he could with you in it, effectively trapping you against him. He wasn't quite finished with you though and began to poke and tickle your sides through the fabric, making you quickly realize just how trapped you were inside his jumpsuit.

"S-Shachi! You're playing dirty!" You stammered out between your giggles that bubbled up.

"Aw, and here I thought you wanted to be close enough to steal my warmth~!" He teased.

You tried to slide your arms out from behind him to attempt to protect yourself at least a little, but he saw your plan before you tried it and fell backwards, trapping your hands between his back and the bed. Now stuck atop his chest; like you wanted, he had freedom to poke and prod at you as he pleased, drawing out cute little giggles from you as you squirmed helplessly within the confines of his jumpsuit. When he poked at your hips though, you squeaked just a little louder with a jolt, sputtering laughter into the crook of his neck.

"A-alright I'm warm! I'm wahaharm now!" You whined, burying your face further into his neck.

He eased up, resting his arms across your back. "You sure?"

You nodded many times, your giggles gradually dying down as you caught your breath.

"Some fights you just can't win, hun~" He sighed.

Shachi paused a moment, then reached down to grab his blanket. With one good flick he had it up and over both of you, trapping in your warmth. He let out another deep sigh of sorts as he then turned over onto his side, cuddling you close as his hands took on a more desperate sort of hold. You noticed this and shifted a little, catching a glimpse of the soft smile he wore.

"I can see you've changed your mind about your 'personal space' now hmm?" You boldly pointed out.

"Mmhmm, I have." He hummed. "I've come to see that you're right, it really is a bit chilly in here. So... I'm just preserving warmth where I can."

"... You're a terrible liar, you know that right?" You huffed, not even trying to hide your smirk.

"Mmm, yeah, I know." He mumbled in response, craning his neck down to steal a sweet kiss from your soft lips.

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