Chapter 2

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It was already evening , Y/n and Beomgyu were waiting for there their new housemates to arrive .

" Where the hell are they ? " Beomgyu groaned

" I am thinking that too "

An hour later

Finally they heard the ringing sound of the bell . They looked at eachother .

" I will go and open the door " Y/n said and headed to the door

Y/n opened the door and froze on her spot looking at the 2 boys infront her . The shorter one red hairs and big doe eyes . Her eyes shifted to the taller one who had brown curled hair looking ethereal .

" Excuse me miss - " The red hair guy was about to speak but got cut off by Y/n

" Sorry , wrong address " Y/n said and closed the door on their face .

" What happened ? " Beomgyu asked

Y/n didn't spoke anything just , she was just standing there .

" Wait let me see , who is it ? " Beomgyu said and opened the door

Beomgyu froze on his spot looking at the two confused boys . His eyes never left the red haired's face .

" Excuse me mister - " The red hair was about to complete when Beomgyu closed the door

" You saw them right ? They can't be our housemates " said Y/n

" But what if they are ? Then the red hair is mine " Beomgyu said excitedly

" I like the brown hair one but what about Yeonjun and Soobin ? "

" Let's think about them later and focus on these two "

Beomgyu and Y/n intertwined their hands and started jumping totally forgetting that there are 2 persons standing outside the door

While on the other hand

" I guess we came at the wrong adress" The red haired said

" But the adress is this only " The brown hair replied

" Then these guys are crazy " The red hair ring the bell multiple times

" Relax "

" How can I ? I didn't came here to wait or relax " The red hair said annoyingly

The door opened revealing Y/n and Beomgyu

" Are you guys really our housemates ? " Y/n asked

" Why do think we are here ? " Red hair said annoyingly

" I am sorry on behalf of him . We received this address from Mrs Kim " The brown hair red but Y/n didn't listen to him as she was too busy admiring his handsome face .

" Oh , you are at correct address . Please come inside . We are sorry for what happened earlier " Beomgyu bowed to them

All of them went inside

" I am Kim Y/n , nice to meet you "

" I am Choi Beomgyu , nice to meet you "

The two boys looked at eachother without saying a word . The red hair slightly nodded looking at the brown hair boy . Beomgyu and Y/n found it weird .

" I-I am Huening Kai , nice to meet you too " The brown haired introduced himself

" His name is pretty just like him " Y/n thought

" I am Kang Taehyun , it's not nice to meet you both " The red haired introduced himself

" I am sorry on behalf of him " Kai bowed

" It's ok " said Y/n

" He is a little rude but he is handsome " Beomgyu thought about Taehyun

" I will show you your room and Beomgyu will show Taehyun his room" Y/n said to Kai

" Oh ok "

Y/n started walking followed by Kai . Soon they arrived at the room .

" This is your room " Y/n said while opening the door

" Thanks " Kai bowed

" Make yourself comfortable here . I hope we will be friends " Y/n said with a smile

" Friends ? " Kai thought

" Oh yeah friends , Taehyun told me about friends " Kai said

Y/n frowned but smiled awkwardly

" Sure we will friends " Kai said

Y/n smiled again but not awkwardly this time .

" I will call you downstairs when dinner will be ready " Y/n said

" Ok "

While on the other hand

Taehyun followed Beomgyu who was taking him to his room . Beomgyu kept stealing glance at Taehyun

" Here is your room "

" Ok thanks , you can go now " Taehyun with an emotionless face

" Why are you in hurry , babe ? " Beomgyu winked at Taehyun

" Babe ? What is that ? " Taehyun asked

Beomgyu frowned

" You don't know what babe means ? "
Beomgyu asked

Taehyun shook his head innocently making Beomgyu smile at his innocence .

" It's a word that is used to address someone you love " Beomgyu wanted to say "like" but "love" was a slip of tongue

Taehyun made a 'o' face

" But what is love ? " Taehyun asked , his voice was full of innocence

Beomgyu looked at Taehyun in disbelief but when he thought about the proper definition of love , he too didn't know .

" I-its a little com-plicated "

Taehyun frowned

" I-I will go now , cal-l me if you ne-ed anything "

Beomgyu left the room


Beomgyu and Y/n were cooking dinner when Beomgyu spoke

" Y/nie , what is love ? "

" Love ? "

Y/n started thinking but couldn't think of any proper answer

" Ummm... I don't know but why did you ask suddenly ? "

" Taehyun asked me  "

" That rude tomato ? "

" Tomato ? Don't call him tomato , you know how much I hate it "

" He red hair , so I thought to call him tomato "

Beomgyu rolled his eyes

" To be honest , that HueningKai is also handsome "

" I know but you know a little weird "

" Even Taehyun is a little weird "

They both shrugged and continued cooking

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