Chapter 6

42 4 52

After university

" Tae , Kai told me you both are looking for part time job . I and Beomgyu work at a cafe , so wanna join us there ? "

Taehyun looked at Kai who scratched his neck .

" Ummm... Ok "

" Ok then let's go . We can walk , it's near our university "

They all started walking to the cafe .
Soon they arrived at the cafe and greeted the owner who was cashier .

" Good afternoon Mrs Jung " Y/n and Beomgyu greeted the cashier

" Good afternoon Y/n and Beomgyu . Who are these handsome boys with you ? "

" These are our friends and housemates . They are new in Seoul and need money . So , can they join us too ? "

" Yeah sure , you both are like my children and these two are your friends , so they are like my children too . " Mrs Jung said with a sweet smile .

" Thank you so much Mrs Jung " The four housemates said in unison


" Kai , this is the order of table 2 and this is the order of table 7 " Y/n handed Kai the tray

" Ok "

" Taehyun , Y/n this is the order of table 5 , 10 and 8 " Beomgyu said and gave them the paper after tearing it from the notepad

" Guys , from now on I will at this restaurant only . Staff here are so handsome " One girl said to her other 3 friends .

" Here is your order " Kai said and placed the food at the table

" Can I have your number too ? " One of the girl asked to Kai while winking at him

" We only serve food and drinks . If you want anything from the menu then , you can call someone else because I only do the serving work ." Kai bowed to them and went to the counter again

" You are lucky there aren't many people today " said Y/n

Kai nodded

" I saw the girl was talking to you , what were you guys talking ? "

" She was asking my number "

" What did you said then ? "

" I said we only serve food and drinks . If you want anything from the menu then you can call someone else because I only do the serving work " Kai said nonchalantly

Y/n laughed

" You are funny Kai "

Kai smiled a little looking at Y/n who was laughing .

" You guys are talking here and there Taehyun and I are working so hard " said Beomgyu

" Just shut up , we are working too " said Y/n

Beomgyu rolled his eyes .

" Go and help Tae " said Beomgyu

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