Chapter 19

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Y/n woke up feeling no one beside her . She opened his eyes and saw Kai wasn't there . She got of and knocked on the bathroom's door but no answer .

" Did he felt ? " Y/n felt afraid

She came out of Kai's room and saw Beomgyu was coming out Taehyun's room too , he was looking afraid .

" Is Kai there ? " Beomgyu asked

Y/n shook her head

" Tae ? " Y/n asked

Beomgyu shook his head

They both went downstairs to look for the two aliens . They searched the living room , other rooms and kitchen but they weren't there .

" They can't leave now . We still had one day " Y/n eyes filled with tears

" Taehyun didn't even said anything about it yesterday " Beomgyu's tears were threatening to fall too

" Y/n , Beomgyu ? "

Beomgyu and Y/n turned to see their boyfriends standing there . They immediately ran to their boyfriends and hugged them .

" I thought you left me " Y/n said while crying

" We were in the backyard , I thought we should have our breakfast in the backyard as the weather is nice today"

" But you could have done after we were awake . " Y/n broke the hug and wipped her tears

" You know how much scared and worried we were " said Y/n

" She is right , you guys should have waited for us to wake up " said Beomgyu

" We wanted to surprise you both by making breakfast for you guys " said Taehyun

" I don't breakfast I want you to stay beside me " Beomgyu hugged Taehyun again

" I am sorry Gyu " Taehyun said while caressing Beomgyu's hair

" Don't leave me without saying bye " Beomgyu cried

" I won't , now stop crying and smile at me . I love your smile but I hate seeing you cry "

Beomgyu nodded while wipping his tears .

" Now , let's go and have breakfast . I am hungry " said Kai

Y/n ruffled his hair

" Let's go "

They went to the backyard and sat around the table on the chairs .

" Guys , last night when you both were making out . I came to ask about movie tickets " said Beomgyu

" We were making out . We were about to kiss but were interrupted by an idiot " Y/n while glaring at Beomgyu

" Now , tell me should I book tickets for a romantic movie ? " Beomgyu asked

" What do you think Kai ? " Y/n asked

" It's a good idea " said Kai

" Ok then we will go to watch movie first then lunch and then shopping , ok ? " Said Beomgyu

The other three nodded


" Kai , Taehyun , why did you guys took these bags ? " Y/n asked looking at the aliens who had their university bag on their shoulder .

" These are just some essential things"
Said Kai

" We can buy anything essential when we will go out . By any chance are you both planning to leave today ? "

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