Chapter 10

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A week later

" Finally we are here " Beomgyu said laid on the green grass

" It will be night soon , we should first assemble the tents " said Y/n and the others nodded

They had three tents , Kai and Taehyun were going to sleep in the same tents while Y/n and Beomgyu will sleep in seperate tents . They assembled the tents and sat on the grass tiredly .

" You guys don't have any problem in sleeping together ? " Y/n asked

" No " Taehyun and Kai said

" We should go and find some woods for bonfire " said Beomgyu

" Yeah , so should I go with Beomgyu ?" Y/n asked

" No , you and Kai take care of everything here . I and Beomgyu will go to find woods " said Taehyun

" Ok " The other three agreed

Taehyun and Beomgyu went to find woods while Kai and Y/n arranged everything else .


" If you feel scared then just hold me" Said Beomgyu

" Ok "

They were walking when they heard some sounds from the bushes . Beomgyu immediately hugged Taehyun being scared . They saw two squirrel there . Beomgyu sighed in relief .

" You told me hold you when I feel scared but here you are holding me because you are scared "

" So what ? I am human too . I feel scared too "

Taehyun just nodded

Soon they found woods and when they had sufficient wood for bonfire they head towards the tents .

While on the other hand

" Kai , can you pass me that red bag ?" Y/n asked

" Yeah sure " Kai said and gave her the bags she was asking for

Y/n opened the bag and took out some things .

" Here this is for you " Y/n said and handed Kai a chocolate

" If it was plushie I would have been more happy but I am ok with a chocolate too . "

Y/n chuckled

" Thanks " said Kai

" Kai , let's take selfie and post it on instagram "

" Yeah sure "

Kai took out his phone and clicked some selfies .

" Wait , I will take your pictures "

Y/n took Kai's phone from him and told him to pose . Y/n clicked many pictures of him .

" Now , your turn "

Y/n posed and Kai clicked her pictures .

" These are perfect , thank you so much Kai " Y/n happily hugged Kai and he hugged her back.

" What did I just witnessed ? " Beomgyu asked dramatically and covered his eyes

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