Chapter 3

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" Kai- I mean Huening Kai , come downstairs . Dinner is ready "

" You can call me Kai "

" Oh ok , Kai " Y/n looked down while blushing . She was about to go when

" Y/n "

Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach when she heard her name coming out of Kai's mouth

" Yeah ? "

" Umm... Nothing "

Y/n frowned but shrugged off and went downstairs

At Taehyun's room

" Taehyunie , dinner is ready " said Beomgyu

" You called me babe last time and now Taehyunie . Why do you keep calling me with different names ? "

" So , you want me to call you babe ? "

" Ummm... I don't know , Taehyun would be better "

" Ok babe , now come downstairs ''
Beomgyu said and went out of his room

" I told him to call me Taehyun "

Taehyun shrugged off and went downstairs


" What do you both do ? " Beomgyu asked to their new housemates

They looked at eachother

" W-we - " Taehyun was finding words to say

Taehyun looked at his watch

" Oh how can I forget this ? " Taehyun thought

There it was university 1st year

" We are University students , 1st year" Taehyun said and Kai looked at him

Y/n and Beomgyu found it wear but shrugged it off

" We are in University 1st year too " said Y/n

" Which cours-"

" Can we start eating ? I-I am hungry " Kai said while scratching his neck

" Yeah sure " said Y/n

They all started eating , when Kai and Taehyun took the first bite their eyes got widened making Y/n and Beomgyu insecure about their cooking

" Is the food not good ? " Beomgyu asked

" I-It's really good " Kai and Taehyun said in unison

Y/n and Beomgyu felt relieved

" Human food is good " Kai mumbled

" Pardon ? " Y/n asked

" No-nothing " said Kai and continued eating

" Guys , as we will be living together so shouldn't we become friends ? " Asked Beomgyu

" Yeah Beomgyu is right "

Taehyun and Kai looked at eachother again . Kai nodded .

" Yeah sure " said Taehyun

" So , we have to distribute our duties too " said Beomgyu

" What kind of duties ? " Asked Taehyun

" You both know how to cook ? " Asked Y/n

Taehyun and Kai shook their head

" Ok then I and Beomgyu will do the cooking thing and you have to clean the house and about washing dishes we can do it alternative days in pairs . I and Kai and Taehyun and Beomgyu "
Y/n winked at Beomgyu which was unnoticed by the other too

"I hope you both won't have any problem as we have to stay together " Y/n added

" No we don't " said Kai

" That's perfect " said Beomgyu


After dinner

" Guys , wanna talk about your live ? "
Y/n asked

" No , I will just sleep " said Taehyun

" And what about the dishes ? Who will wash them today ? " Asked Kai

" You both can take rest for today . I and Beomgyu will wash the dishes "

Kai bowed to Y/n

" Thanks " said Kai

" You don't have to say thanks for everything , we all are friends " Y/n said with a smile

Taehyun and Kai left to their room . Kai was about to go inside his room when Taehyun went inside his room too

" Kai " said Taehyun

" Yeah ? "

" We have to be careful with our words . I have this watch and it has our fake identity . Make sure you are always with me and if anyone asks anything don't answer or try to change the topic . Like today Y/n was about to ask about our courses and you changed the topic . I did mess up a little but I will make sure to cover up "

" Don't worry , I won't let anyone know that we are from different planet . "

" And one more thing , leader said there is another . Chief said that there will be someone from our team that is the principle of a university . So we have to go there from tomorrow onwards "

" Ok "

Taehyun left Kai's room and Kai lied on his bed

" This planet isn't bad , Y/n and Beomgyu seems like good creature " Kai thought

Kai's thought were interrupted by a knock .

" Yes ? " He asked while sitting up

" Sorry to disturb you , I just wanted to ask , do you need anything ? " Y/n asked

" No , I am good "

" My room is next to yours , if you need anything then just come "

" Ok "

Y/n left the room

" These humans are weird sometimes , like today . How can she close the door on our face ? " Kai thought

Kai shrugged off and went to sleep


" Why do I feel butterflies in my stomach whenever I see him ? " Y/n buried her blushing face in her pillow while kicking legs in air

" But I can't cheat on Soobin " She said while sitting up

" He doesn't love now but what if in future he falls for me ? No no I can't like someone else other than Soobin " She patted her cheek multiple times

" But Kai is handsome too " She ruffled her hair in frustration

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