Chapter 11

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" Tae " said Beomgyu

" Yes ? "

" You never sang infront of before "

" I never sang infront of anyone , I only sing when I am alone  . I don't know when Y/n heard me "

" Why do you sing when you are alone ? You can sing infront us "

" I am just a little shy "

" No need to be shy infront of us "

Taehyun nodded

Beomgyu turned to Taehyun's side . Their faces were just some inches apart . Taehyun's heart started beating fast .

" G-Gyu  "

" Sshh "

Taehyun felt butterflies in his stomach .

" You know you are so beautiful " Beomgyu said and caressed Taehyun's cheek that got red after the compliment .

" I-I " Taehyun couldn't find words to say

Beomgyu pulled Taehyun more closer to him by his waist . Now they were just some centimetres apart . Taehyun kept his hand on Beomgyu's chest . Taehyun couldn't maintain eye contact so he looked down making Beomgyu smirk in satisfaction .

" Are you shy , babe ? " Asked Beomgyu

Taehyun stayed silent but his eyes got widened when he felt Beomgyu's cold hand inside his shirt .

" Y-Your hand i-is cold "

" Are you feeling cold ? "

" Yeah , a little "

Beomgyu caressed Taehyun's hair

" Should I give you something warm ?" Beomgyu asked

" No , it will be ok "

" Are you sure ? "

" Yeah "

" Should we sleep now ? "

" Yeah "

" Good night , Tae " Beomgyu said with a smile

Beomgyu turned now facing the roof of tent and closed his eyes but he felt something soft on his cheek . Beomgyu opened his eyes and saw Taehyun kissed his cheek .

" Good night Gyu "

Beomgyu was too stunned to speak .
Taehyun turned to the other side now back facing Beomgyu . Beomgyu moved closer to Taehyun spooning him .


On the other tent

Both Y/n's and Kai's eyes were closed but none of them were sleeping.  Y/n thought that Kai is sleeping so she went out the tent and lied on the grass while admiring the beautiful night sky .

Kai felt the zip of the tent opened , so he opened his eyes too . Kai went out of the tent and saw Y/n laying on the grass .

" Y/n ? "

Y/n looked up and saw Kai

" Oh Kai , were you disturbed by the sound of zip ? "

" No , I never slept . I was awake the whole time "

" Oh "

Kai came to Y/n and laid beside her .

" Why were you staring at the sky ? " Kai asked

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