Chapter 12

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I week later

" I will burn this fucking university one day " Y/n in frustration while messing her hairs

" When will you burn it ? " Taehyun asked

Y/n glared at Taehyun and he closed his mouth

" Why are so getting angry Y/n ? " Asked Kai

" I have to make a presentation and an assignment too . I have to send it to the professor by Monday and today is Friday "

" Ok then I will help you "

" But don't you have your assignments ? "

" I already completed mine "

Y/n looked at Kai with wide eyes

" You completed them already ? "

" Yes "

" So will you help me ? "

" Ofcourse I will "

Y/n excitedly hugged Kai

" Thank you so much Kai , I love you " She pecked his cheek but soon realised what she did

" I-I love you a-as a fr-friend " Y/n said wipped Kai's cheek where she kissed

Before Kai could say something she ran to her room . Kai placed his hand on his cheek while looking at Y/n who ran to her room.

" Love is in the air " Said Beomgyu

At Y/n's room

" Bitch you are crazy . What have you done ? How will you face him now ? "
Y/n punched the wall multiple times

" Aahh my hands are hurting " She looked at her hands and kicked the wall

" My leg " She cried

She looked in the mirror

" What are doing ? Are you crazy ? You should really go to the mental hospital . "

She lied on her bed and started kicking her legs in the air feeling embarrassed . She hit her head on the pillow multiple times and started feeling dizzy .

" I have really gone crazy "

She took deep breaths to calm herself down

" What should I do now ? "

" FUCK " She shouted

At the living room

" She will punch the wall multiple times while cursing . Then her hands would start hurting . She will kick the wall and then will cry because she kicked hard . She will look in the mirror and will think she should go to mental hospital . She would go to her bed and will kick her feets in the air then hit her head on the pillow . She call herself and then "

The three boys in the living heard a shout "Fuck "

" This " said Beomgyu

" She would have done all these things you said ? " Taehyun asked

" Yes , I know her since we were 5 year old . She always do that when she is too much embarrassed " Beomgyu explained nonchalantly

" Damn " said Taehyun

" But why is she so embarrassed ? She just kissed my cheek like you and Taehyun did to eachother "

" Your and Y/n's relationship is a little different "

" But we are friends right ? "

" Yes you are but - "

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the bell .

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