Chapter 13

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Next morning

Y/n woke up as sunlight fell on her face . She stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes . She sat on the bed and looked at the wall of her room for straight 5 minutes , thinking nothing .

She looked beside her and saw her laptop on the side table .

" I remember I was doing my presentation on bed and my laptop was with me too but what is it doing on the table ? "

She picked up her laptop and saw her assignment .

" Was Kai here ? Ofcourse or else why would my assignment be here ? He is so sweet he made me sleep comfortably " Y/n smiled thinking about Kai


" Good morning guys " Y/n said to the three boys

" Good morning Y/n " The three boys said in unison

" Here is your breakfast " said Taehyun

" You guys made breakfast today ? "

The three boys nodded in unison

" You guys are so sweet "

Y/n kissed Beomgyu's cheek and Beomgyu giggled

" She kissed me but she was embarrassed and now she kissed Beomgyu and is not embarrassed but why did she only kissed Beomgyu ? We made breakfast too " Kai thought

" Why are standing Kai ? Come sit , let's have breakfast " said Y/n

Kai nodded and sat on the chair and started eating his breakfast .

" Guys , wanna go out today ? " Asked Beomgyu

" I can't , I have to make presentation"

" I completed her presentation . Did I do something wrong ? " Kai thought

" So , you won't go ? " Asked Beomgyu

" No , you guys can go "

" But if you won't come then it won't be fun " said Taehyun

" Tae , you boys can have fun "

" But you are not less than a boy " said Beomgyu and laughed

Y/n looked at him with 'I will kill you' look and he stopped laughing

" Y/n , Beomgyu , I had a question " said Taehyun

" Yeah "

" How did you guys became friends ? "

" We were neighbours so we became friends . We both used to be at eachother's house almost all day " said Y/n

" That must be fun right ? " Asked Taehyun


It was until I turned 14 " said Beomgyu

Kai and Taehyun looked at Beomgyu in confusion . Y/n looked at Beomgyu with a questionable look as she knew what Beomgyu meant .

" I know you guys are confused , so let me complete it " Beomgyu chuckled

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