Chapter 4

61 4 25

Next day

Taehyun and Kai came downstairs while Beomgyu and Y/n were serving breakfast .

" Good morning Kai and Taehyun " Y/n and Beomgyu said in unison

" Good morning "

" Take your seats , breakfast is ready " said Beomgyu

All of them sat at the dinning table .

" Guys , what is your university name ? " Y/n asked

" Why is this girl so annoying ? " Taehyun thought and checked his watch and said

" It's Hybe university "
( Sorry , I couldn't think of anything else )

" Oh my God , what a coincidence
We go to the same university too " Y/n exclaimed

" Oh no " Taehyun thought

" That's good " Kai said with a smile

" Oh my God , did he just smiled ? He is so cute " Y/n thought

" Let's finish breakfast , we all have to go too " said Beomgyu

" Yeah he is right " said Taehyun

They started eating peacefully


After breakfast

They walked out of the house

" Guys , I wanna warn you both " said Y/n

" About what ? " Taehyun asked seriously

" Be careful from the girls , they are crazy . I am sure the whole university is going to be crazy after seeing you both "

" Y/n is right " Agreed Beomgyu

" But why ? " Kai asked

" It's because you both are so handsome , any boy or girl will want to you " said Y/n

Kai and Taehyun looked at eachother when Y/n said handsome .

" Are we ? " Kai asked Y/n

" Yeah you are " Y/n said while looking down as she was blushing

" Let's go fast or else we will miss the bus " said Beomgyu

" Bus ? Can't we just walk ? " Asked Taehyun

" University is far from here " said Y/n

Y/n looked at the time and her eyes got widened

" We should run to the bus stop . We just have 5 minutes  " Y/n held Kai's wrist and starting running .

" Why did she go with him ? " Asked Taehyun

" We have to go too " Beomgyu held Taehyun's wrist too and started running behind Y/n and Kai

Soon they arrived at the bus stop . All of them were panting . Kai looked at Y/n who was still helding his wrist . Y/n noticed it and immediately let go off his hand .

" I am sorry " said Y/n

" It's ok "

Soon they saw the bus arriving . Beomgyu and Y/n got into the bus after scanning their card . Taehyun and Kai were about to go too when the driver stopped them

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